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  1. C

    Endurance Racing, the future??

    You won't go wrong speaking to the competitors in the '08 race. JF would be a good guy to talk to in the first instance. Please don't take advice from wanabees - they will cost you money and time.
  2. C

    Round Britain 2008

    I think the way I used to do it with a .pdf was; select all ctrl c and then paste into notepad With Adobe Professional, I save the.pdf as .txt
  3. C

    Round Britain 2008

    RACE STORY | Team Sealbay 77 Round Britain Powerboat Race 2008 PRELUDE | PREPARING FOR THE ROUND BRITAIN POWERBOAT RACE Frederik and Eirik had decided to enter Frederik’s Goldfish 29 RIB in the 2008 Round Britain Powerboat Race in mid-summer 2007 after reading about the venue. Having some...
  4. C

    Endurance Racing, the future??

    TP raced from the late 1960's until his last "guest appearance" in a Buzzi in 2001. He took over running the Cowes events when the sponsors had declined, and he felt someone should do something about it - he stepped in. Your dad has got good memories from those days, T.P. ran everything "by...
  5. C

    Endurance Racing, the future??

    Sadly, I don't have the chance to edit, delete and change posts as some people.
  6. C

    Endurance Racing, the future??

    Back late, last summer I had a meeting in London with Charles Finch. His dad Peter won an Oscar for Best Actor (the only posthumous award ever presented). Charles looks after lots of Hollywood stars, smokes big cigars and is a joy to be with. He and Kevin Spacey asked me to pen an article for...
  7. C


    I just spoke to TP, he thinks they could be from a company that Doxford dumped before the "Turbeau" project (who were based in the midlands) - although he does not remember Lionheart Racing.
  8. C

    ORDA AGM Dinner/Dance

    Point taken. I must stop posting at kinfast hour.
  9. C

    ORDA AGM Dinner/Dance

    Well it seems that the ORDA website is now nicely up to date. Well done all concerned! The problem with small club websites is that the webmaster does his best, but if he is not fed with information, he hasn't got time nor money to chase the info and update the site. The Round Britain site was...
  10. C


    If set up well for UK waters it works.
  11. C

    Dubai Fall Out With Uim

    Just hope the owner of P1 changes his dates for August Bank Holiday weekend - I know of one or two P1 racers that would prefer to do the CTC.
  12. C

    Dubai Fall Out With Uim

    Lets be fair, the dream of P1 boats racing further afield than Europe was a "logistical" step too far for the competitors. The politics that are going on out in Dubai are not exactly new although it gives my mates Chris and David something to write about in their magazines. Thank goodness we...
  13. C


    Ring the contact number - I am only the monkey that posts the info!
  14. C

    Offshore Compilation #1

    And I had a good chat and a few glasses with him at the Spring BPRC lunch. Shame I didn't know he was going up to Silverstone that evening, would have been a cheap ride home!
  15. C

    Offshore Compilation #1

    It was filmed by a guy called Brian Kreisky. He made great films of Offshore Racing in the early '80's. His budget was mainly paid for by Ted Toleman, although I remember that a few racers back then also "chipped in". Some of the UK stuff was biased towards donators, check out the Clarke...
  16. C


    To put this into perspective, I live near to Brackley. There is a little sandwich shop that supplies Honda F1's employees every lunch time. The lady that owns it works real hard, charges nice prices.
  17. C

    Offshore Compilation #1

    I loved seeing those old Kreisky videos, and Brian Jones commentary is as good as ever!
  18. C


    I have heard that Honda is fully sponsored for next year, and will get an amount for 2010. Thereafter...
  19. C

    Endurance Racing, the future??

    Read the rules and make your call! Work out the engine builders.
  20. C

    Endurance Racing, the future??

    Unlimited and if anyone asks the reason why there is not an unlimited class, Buzzi has seen a customer lose his life racing at over 100 mph.
  21. C

    Endurance Racing, the future??

    These rules - like 'em or not, have been built by two guys who understand Offshore Powerboat Racing. Go over to the P1 website and see what rule changes they have for 2009. Don't bother - total nonsense. If Buzzi and Fuller designed these rules to cut out competition, they would never had put...
  22. C

    Wanted 'Dhows to Deltas' by Sonny Levi

    It is available to buy online - although not cheap. Failing that email Laura Levi.
  23. C

    Solid Mounts

    In ' 86' - 87 I did 19 races with a wooden cat using bog standard Yam mounts. 6 wins, 3rd in the world championship, loads of 2nd placings! In '92 I raced with Roy Smith in an ally hull, tried using solid mounts, but it shook everything to pieces. '95 raced in an Argo Cat, and got Wilson's...
  24. C

    Top gear on Sunday

    I think Ben is better :hugegrin:
  25. C

    Arrivederci...I'm offski

    See you there Kermit, Hopefully your Muppets will attend! Gonzo