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    Tommy One 'Metamarine Hull' - located Italy

    Metamarine Boat length 14.50 m 2 x Seatek engine Turbo 950 hp brand new at 0 hours 2 x Seatek engine Turbo 950 hp prepared to 1100 hp reconditioned new 2 x Metamarine couple transmissions reconditioned new 1 x Jolly Drive couple transmission 4 x Hering props couple Lots of spare parts +...
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    2016 Cowes Torquay / Cowes Poole Entry Forms

    56th Cowes Classic BPRC would like to remind all prospective entrants for this years Cowes Torquay Cowes and Cowes Poole Cowes races, that the cut off date to enter this years race is July 31 st. Competitor race information and entry forms for both races can be found at our official race...
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    2016 Cowes Torquay / Cowes Poole Entry Forms

    **Cowes Classic 2016** The British Powerboat Racing Club have great pleasure in announcing that they will be running two races the Cowes Torquay Cowes and Cowes Poole Cowes over the weekend of the 3rd and 4th September, 2016. RACE ENTRY forms can be found via the links below: Cowes Torquay...
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    Entry Form Closing Date

    Cowes Classic Race Director Dorian Griffith has asked that all intended competitors that have not sent in their entry forms for either the CTC or CPC races, have until end of Sunday August 30th to submit them. Any forms received after Sundays deadline will be declined as there will not be...
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    Safety boats for Torquay Required

    The British Powerboat Racing Club is looking for *Volunteer Craft* to help marshalling and safety of the event in Torquay. Race boats will start off Cowes in the morning and then race via Poole Bay and Portland Bill to Berry Head before turning north towards the Ore Stone then west to finish of...
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    2015 CTC / CPC Entry Forms

    Final Day Registration A reminder to all interested parties looking to participate in either the CTC or CPC races at this years Cowes Classic weekend, that today is the last day for registering your interest to race. Contact the Race Secretary Sally Windsor through our race website link below...
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    CPC navigator wanted

    Mike G , give Sally Windsor a ring
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    CPC navigator wanted

    contact Any problems Mike contact Race Secratary Sally Windsor who may be able to help you out, Sally is already aware that you on the look out for a navigator. Contacts — Cowes Classic 2015
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    2015 CTC / CPC Entry Forms

    A message from Race Secretary Sally Windsor this morning is to remind everyone that the closing date for all entries is this Friday - 31 July. Forms and racing instructions can be found at the race website or at the links below...See you there. Cowes Classic 2015 — Cowes Classic 2015 - 5th and...
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    *2 x Volunteers* Required for Cowes

    Thank You Apalacia, I am sure that side is covered but will get to you if something is not..
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    *2 x Volunteers* Required for Cowes

    Does anyone know someone that would be interested!!
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    Cowes Poole cowes

    Nice one Rob , see you at Cowes. Steve
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    *2 x Volunteers* Required for Cowes

    Officer of the Day for this years Cowes Classic is currently looking to recruit two volunteers to his team, both roles (detailed below) are to help ensure the smooth running of this prestigious event, both are based at Cowes. If you are interested and have some spare time to offer over the...
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    Venezia - MonteCarlo

    FICr - Motonautica steve
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    CTC 2008 now on YouTube

    Hi Mike Will like to post to the BPRC Facebook page soon ,if OK with you! Steve
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    Marathon Licence

    BPRC facebook is also good!
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    1971 Magnum 27' Sport. Sidewinder

    Hi Ian, Were you the one with the bandana on? Can I say what a stunning boat, you should be very proud with what you have done. The sound that she produced made everyone smile....... Here is a pic from my friend Malc Attrill , enjoy.
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    CTC 2008 now on YouTube

    Many thanks Mike,some great filming. Keep rolling them out!
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    Cowes 2014 Update

    Looks as if Vector Martini Racing has joined the ranks.......
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    Cowes 2014 Update

    I am sure that I seen a comment on Facebook recently that Vee was commenting that he was not participating in the recent Rally but will be at Cowes!! With a boat or not he did not say!! Its a shame with all the hard work behind the scenes of the BPRC to bring back the start to Cowes.... I am...
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    The Future of Offshore Racing

    Cowes today still carries on that tradition from when it started back in 61', anyone with a boat and wanted to have some fun for a weekend and race down to Torquay, have a spot of tea, and then latterly raced back too Cowes. Well done to Cowes, roll on August 31st.
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    Apache 41" Held in Italy

    some more pics
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    Apache 41" Held in Italy

    details and pic update APACHE 41’ Boats is storage inside my “Offshore Team” and are 5 years that is not used. •Builder from Apache Powerboat #AB841008J686; 1° crew (Owner) Ben Kramer and Bob Saccenti . racing in Key West 1986 Offshore W.C.; •First Owner in Europe mr. Walter Ragazzi...
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    Apache 41" Held in Italy

    boat photo Have some extra photos and info of the boat, but am away on hols with little wifi available. Here is one picture, the boat has been in storage for 5 years. Looks a absolute bargain!!