3/4 July Littlehampton regatta


Senior member
Apr 5, 2004
Cruising area
Boat make
Ring 25 Sportscruiser
Mercruiser 496 HO
Smallhampton Regatta

Anyone going to the Powerboat racing at Littlehampton ??

2 - 4 July ?
A few days back an assorted possy of Ribs turned up round at Little H for a bite and a natter. It was a good laugh.

Little H is havin its yearly two day bash again.

A mixture of racing and ..well other things.

Overninght moorings are available in the marina and right in the harbour.:snooz:

Highlights of what is of interest to race followers,is on Pontoon talk.co.uk, under regatta funnily enough.

Or the whole thing is on Littlehamptonregatta.co.uk

It would be good to meet up with anyone who can make it round to join us.

Even the Regatta chairman is a V24 Racer.

Did you know theres a prize for catching crabs. :no:

If some of you decide to get this together and want to stay overnight then let us know and we'll do what we can for you at this end.

Well whats that then! Iwas busy posting something entirely diferent and ORIGINAL to notice YOU'RE post.


How was I to know!!!

BUt whilst I was posting I couldnt be reading yours!

I've moored you two together . :D

Hope that's OK as it may be less confusing for everyone???

Sounds good anyways and really nice of you both to invite peeps.

Really enjoyed our spin to Littlehampton last time.

Missus :up:
Re: Counting the owers

Jackso and myself would love to make it ...

No buts at all :)...it's his b'day during that weekend so it would be a really nice thing to do ...(he'll kill me when he reads this)...

And you lot were really nice to us on our last visit so we shall MAKE PLANS . Hope to see Andre & Wiesia again too...

We need to check weather when Zebedee goes into the Big Blue

Missus :wave:

(Could you send a pm about any accommodation if you get a chance sometime...must shoot to work now; late again :(
Thanks loads :up: )
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Extended play

On Sat morning of the Regatta Me and Graham F will be heading back out of the Solent somewhere, and round to L.H.

So if any of you are going that way it would be good to share the journey with you.

Even if we do have to run 1/4 mile behind so you dont have to put up with the noise.:dizzy:
Slow is cheap

OH yes.

You set the pace. If we find it too slow we'll whizz about a bit, generally pratt about, but we wont whizz off!
Matt will you be coming round for the Regatta at Littlehampton would be good to see Distant Rumble after following your progress
Petrol Head said:

Did you know theres a prize for catching crabs. :no:


I'd wish I'd known that when I was touring

Actually I'd really like to go so if I am not werking count me in
Lttlehampton Toursit Information

The number for Littlehampton tourist office for anyone loking for accomodation for the regatta weekend is :- 01903 713480
GrahamF said:
Matt will you be coming round for the Regatta at Littlehampton would be good to see Distant Rumble after following your progress

Well he didn't say no so....
Just the formalities left then, thats good.

Be good ta see ya.
Awww we can't make it, we will be in Northampton... Chris will be playing with Formula Ford Cars..... it was his birthday pressie from me... :)

I am sure you will all have loads of fun..... :cheers: :three: :seaman: :shag: :up: :D