Another Stapley


Senior member
Mar 15, 2004
Boat name
Some years later I 'rescued' (with some help from Gordon Wright) this Stapley cat from rotting away.

Did a few races but she was old and the engine was nearly as old too. Still had some fun and did win two return flights to the States courtesy of Virgin at the Cowes event.


  • deja vu2.jpg
    deja vu2.jpg
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that looks short what length are they?
And another Stapley

Here is a 17 ' Stapley I had built for me in 1986.

Where is it now ? Don't tell me Adam has it!!
Is that Stapley cat (B4) the one that became 'Manx Cat', in the hands of Laurence Bellamy?
Stapley 17

Indeed it is, although I sold it to Miles Jennings who re named it “A Little More Pussy

(a pun on my sir name ((Moore)) and his cats names always had Pussy in them!

Where is it now me wonders?
Manx Cat

It was - a brave effort indeed - rotary engine coupled to a Belamy drive - He gave me a ride in it once - very different to the Yamaha 90 I had run on it!
I think Lozza may still have it, he certainly still has the angry bee AKA Norton rotary motor, now shoehorned into a Frode.

"Moore"? as in John Moore?
Another Adam Younger Stapley!

Bosscat at Fowey 1982


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I'm beginning to feel quite old now! Just as well I would only have been 19 then.

I think this was very close to its last outing - before total structural failure whilst racing at Poole.

It was the very first Stapley cat built and by then had had a pretty hard life. Infact it was not even built from marine ply - all a bit of an experiment in its day.

That looks like my father in the background with my brother on a BMX bike.

My father, Bill raced class2 in Ford Persuader in 1977.
My brother, Scott raced mainly 4 litre for a few years.


PS looks like Micheal Caines coach behind!
Re: Another Adam Younger Stapley!

Just found a picture of the boat after its last race - it was not re-built!


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Ouch!...were you OK? (RMYC car park?)
Yes - all OK - but a bit shaken up.

One minute was going along really well - weather was quite rough and I was still learning about driving in the choppy stuff. Thought I'm really getting this sorted - when just took the top of a wave and the whole boat burst apart!

Was aware of jumping a couple more waves and then coming back to idle - no kill switches in those days. Still had hold of the steering wheel but it was no longer attached to the dashboard. My seat was in danger of disappearing down the tunnel and I could not find the control box to stop the engine!

In the impact of the accident - my crash helmet was forced off - strap buckle broke. Someone watching from the shore was convinced I was dead because they saw my head fly into the air.


well spotted - RMYC car park

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