birtys fkin junnk

The gArfish

Senior member
Mar 14, 2004
rinng faktery
Boat name
rinng peas
forr fux saik carnt sum nobbur by sum ov de junnk dat birty dood az addvirtizid/

de takko az ownly gott a likkul dennt innit an de stearin ekstenshun az ownly gott a bitt ov fkin rustt

yew cud strapp de fkin frottul pedul too yorr shoo too saiv de sowl warin owt

The gArfish said:
forr fux saik carnt sum nobbur by sum ov de junnk dat birty dood az addvirtizid/

de takko az ownly gott a likkul dennt innit an de stearin ekstenshun az ownly gott a bitt ov fkin rustt

yew cud strapp de fkin frottul pedul too yorr shoo too saiv de sowl warin owt


Aint no rust in the steering extension cus its made of ali nobber, tis the light reflection
Gav said:
hello gArfy how are you then nobba?

eym orlrite skinn. i av bin eksperimentin wiv annodizin rustty metul
butt lukin att dat gobbshyte birtis stearin ekstenshun i fink sum uvver fkker az beet mee to itt.:laugh: mynd yew i downt sea wy hee neadid a ekstenshun/ iz nukkuls tuch de fkin grownd enywaiys

gArfy your making burty a bit "wigwam n teepee"!!:drain:
Burty said:
Thats not helping me sell my stuff now is it

eny publisitty iz gud publisitty mi sun noww fuk ofn an pikk sum appuls orr wotevver itt iz yew summersett yokuls doo

birty bote wirzel

inn de bakk ov mi owld carr
yew wownt get verry fkin farr
weel pikk appuls inn de mewnlite
inn de bakk ov mi owld carr
Captain Chaos said:
i get paid for looking after peeps that are less bonkers

wot is yous bangin' on abowt Mr chaos, i thought yous woz a graphics geeza, is yous wonna dem carers innit?
Captain Chaos said:
i used to work in residential care homes for the mentally handicapt.

well sorta still do

well ay for one is avin da upmost respect for you geeza.............................peace!
Gav said:
are u fr real? or is you rippin it up of me main main aaayye?

no its very much for real, thats what my email address is all about................& most likely why i shant be in graphics too much longer..............well if theres a god i wont!
Captain Chaos said:
no its very much for real, thats what my email address is all about................& most likely why i shant be in graphics too much longer..............well if theres a god i wont!

i opes you is gona do me wicked graphics before yous is quitin da da way geeze ma julie says "you iz a top eastside massive crew member" BO!
have you seen much ali g?

have you seen the sketch when he's talking to the drug abuse prention fella..............i'll never stop pissin myself at that

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