BM Parade Part II

Captain Chaos

The Doc
Mar 12, 2004
Come on gang, I've been as guilty as most for being a no-show @ recent meets.

Lets get JF back to work on a new addition to the main site by all sending him a photo of ourselves, our boat (s) and a mini bio. I'm sooooo looking forward to Garfs.:lol:lol:

Lets face it, he's not done too great with the PR pages:duell:

get your asses in gear!

No interest in this CC. Boss's jibes would be too off-putting!!!

Missus :wave:

Would love to meet you at some stage however :up:

Well I've had the Iron Duke takin the piss all w/end thanks to Matt! But i've got broad shoulders (and a big fatty gut) to bare the weight!
I'd prefere a PM whinge to a public whinge, moderator!
I have to say you're shaping up as the perfect gentleman....worried about you falling under the influence of the rougher diamonds tho'....

Missus :D
what was that about 'jibes'?
jon fuller said:
what was that about 'jibes'?

Gosh Boss...didn't necessarily mean yourself you know:D

Missus (rough diamond is a sort of compliment really....the good in everyone remember?)
Matt said:
I didn't take the piss out of anyone this weekend, especially you missus!!!

If you need any training in this. I think the gArfish is coming to our area this next week!

Speaking of galhoonian diamonds...

I have a three month amnesty agreement with Mr. gArfish.
I'll be monitoring this with care.

Missus :up:
there would be two of us training Matt! gArfish would be sort of assessing know train the trainer so to speak!
jon fuller said:
I'd prefere a PM whinge to a public whinge, moderator!

I stand corrected. I apologise Boss.

Real reason I'm frightened of having my photo on here is that one of the whizzos at work will find me here and I'll get fired for talking bollix.

But I'd like a gallery so I could see the rest of ye:D Perhaps I could sneak Mrs. Doyle in as I hide behind her apron strings all the time...

Missus :up:
jackeen's Missus said:
I stand corrected. I apologise Boss.

Real reason I'm frightened of having my photo on here is that one of the whizzos at work will find me here and I'll get fired for talking bollix.

Missus :up:

but I thought you were employed by the Council