Boat runs

Graham 858

Junior Member
Apr 19, 2012
Hi Guys,

I am new to powerboating having moved to Poole last May, and you guys have possibly forgotten more than I will will learn however, may I share a couple of ideas with you all please?

First of all I am involved with a powerboat "run up" its called a run up as its running up the boats (LMC entrants but its open to all, hopefully full chat for the LMC race)on the 26th April from Poole to Brighton (BMYC being very helpful and could lay on lunchtime BBQ for us), possibly IOW or even, subjet to weather just the event at Lake Yard in the evening for a "start of the season" party. (cocktails from an appropriate ice sculpture, dinner, mooosic, that kinda thang! Final ideas still in planning though)

If you are "getting together this Saturday 15th (if its Poole or somewhere near may I join in perhaps please?)

I appreciate this may have all been said before and there will be +s and -s in my comments but these are only thoughts based on keeping eyes and ears open the past eight months, being fortunate to be around the CTC last year and much more etc etc.

It seems there is a vast amount of passion for powerboating and our friends at the UIM and RYA seem to have been rather lax over the past few years about bringing it all together in a way that, well works!

I am in contact with Italy on a regular basis about marathon racing and its a mess down there (Monaco) it seems. As you all know we have a great new Powerboat manager at the RYA and I am sure (I am due to meet her hopefully this week) Jeni will add the RYA's comments (our comments of course we are the members) to the UIM in the proper way of course.

However it now seems there is a "unofficial" way to look at runs as well as the "official way" to look at racing, and as usual several individuals going in different directions albeit with the very best of intentions of course.

Nothing wrong in that as you all say, BUT it tends to leave possible fleets lacking in numbers if events are not coordinated, even in their simplest form, by that I mean ONE DIARY.

Indeed, I have seen on this site, all the wonderful efforts by the existing clubs to get "runs" organised which then turn out in many cases to nothing which is a shame as you all, I now realise, how much effort it takes to make it all work.

The "unofficial and official " issues have only complicated things even more.

All we really want to do is have fun, use the boats, race them if possible and then enjoy the social side afterwards I hope you all agree? So I do have some suggestions but thought i would share these initial comments with you all first.

Kind regards
(head above the parapet)

Graham M
Graham M is online now Report Post Reply With Quote
Would be interested in a boat run from Poole to Brighton, if I could get a few to share the fuel bill... We are based at Cobbs quay around the corner from Lake Yard, sure there would be a few up for it and Social beer too.
I would also be interested in this tho only have a 80l tank what's the distance from Brighton to Poole?
what exactly do you mean by unofficial views of runs and official view of racing?

what exactly do you mean by unofficial views of runs and official view of racing?

It seems that even "fun runs rallies, poker runs etc" require a view (common sense being the most important) on how they are run whereby racing MUST adhere to the rules and regs.
I totally agree. Runs are totally seperate from racing and conduct will determine if entrants ard invited to another one.
Counts me out then!
Not just yet

The owl and the pussycat went to sea in a beautiful pea green boat...
Last edited:
It was requested that a seperate thread was started so as not to clog up others.
I believe the point he is trying to make is that this thread is in the wrong section and should be under "Poker runs & cruises"