Break down cover


Senior member
May 4, 2005
Cruising area
Anywhere! I prefer Weymouth
Boat name
Never Enough
Boat make
Seaquel 600xs
225hp Merc ProMax
Last year I had a blow out on my trailer. Called my break down number from the cover I took out with my insurer. After telling me that they cover trailers they told me over the phone that my vehicle was too long and therefore not covered under the terms of the policy.
So what break down cover do you use and does it cover toeing your boat? Has anyone had to use their cover while toeing their boat? Whats it costing you?

I always asumed that i was covered by the RAC ..

That was until i read the small print !!

Under our Recovery service caravans / trailers on tow at the time of a breakdown are covered up to a maximum overall length of 7.6 metres (25'0"). However, if it is your caravan / trailer that has broken down at the roadside and we cannot repair it, we will arrange for it to be recovered but not pay for this.
Yep thats what I got told over the phone! They told me it was too long therefore a commercial recovery which they do not do and I said "I dont want you to recover the trailer I just want the tyre replacing" which they said they were going to do until I told them the length of the trailer. That 7.6mt INCLUDES the length of your towing vehicle too! So in a but shell if you longer then 25ft you are not covered. I think from hitch to light board is 28ft give or take on mine :-( wankers.
In the end it cost me over a £180 for a mobile tyre fitter to come and and sort it out.
£ 180 !!!

180 Quid!

I had 3 tyres on a trailer taken off, repaired for nail dammage and replaced for £10 a tyre. ATS services in Ramsgate.
unforntunately they didn't have an ATS at Collumpton services on the M5 lol.
The cost of a spare wheel is less than a call out charge at that rate!

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