buggered Pump

Rogue Wave

Senior member
Mar 12, 2004
Cruising area
Boat name
Dyna Mo Humm
Boat make
Avon Searider 8.4mmmm
Cat 4216 450hp
our hydraulic pump sprung a leak and run dry and we seem to have made the seal / bearing US does any body know a good place in hampshire to get some spare seals/bearings
These guys are fairly good for seals:
Mantek Manufacturing Ltd11, Holder Rd, Aldershot, Hampshire GU12 4RH
01252 343335

Or perhaps
Flowseal Ltd 34h, Aston Rd, Waterlooville, Hampshire PO7 7XQ Tel: 023 9226 5031
Though I think they might be a bit specialised.
That reminds me of a joke!
Welsh policeman tells Eskimo to pull over the side of the road
Policeman - (Goes to Window) You've blown a seal mate!
Eskimo - So... You've shagged a sheep.....
Actually, that's not the joke I mean't, but it was too good to pass up.

An Eskimo is out for a drive one day when his car breaks down and he is forced to call out the Alaskan AA. The Eskimo stands in the howling wind and waits for the mechanic to arrive. When the mechanic reaches the broken car, he sets to work, looking under the bonnet until he locates the problem.

He looks up at the Eskimo and says, 'You've blown a seal, mate.'
To which the Eskimo hastily replies, 'No I haven't! That's just frost on my moustache.'
tHANKS MATT FOR THE INFO AND THE JOKES. i'VE HEARD EM BEFORE BUT THEY STILL MAKE ME SNIGGER. OH i SEEM TO BE IN CAPS LOCK MODE that's sorted it I have heard of Flowseal so I will give em a try and if not carry on down the road to Aldershot.
Boss man @ flowseal is (or at least used to be) James Hollingshead, decent chap, used to sail at the same club as him. If you mention my name, he'll probably remember me. And then increase the price by 50% :drain: