Class III section

Jon Fuller

Mar 12, 2004
Cruising area
South Coast
Boat name
Boat make
Phantom 28
Matt has suggested we re-name this section to cover ALL of the Class III divisions, I've changed it with an obvious alternative, but if anyone has a suggestion of a more appropriate name, bring it on, and we'll have a wee vote on it.
How about improving Offshore racing - I have had two long phone calls concerning the Joining forces of all offshore classes once again - ie RIBS, Class 3 and a "production Class" to make the sport come together, which, IMHO, would give the sport a chance in the future!
sounds good, keep em coming
Hopefully the opening up of the class will give the chance to increase the number of racer's whilst also giving the chance for people to race who may not have considered it.

2 litre (3C) will carry on pretty much the same in terms of rules - but as Matt says suitably engined RIB's could also race and a production / older boat class for suitable engined boats as well. The last section could be really good as we have already had interest from people with Phantoms etc.

In terms of watching it would appear to be one race but in reality of points / championships the race would have seperate sub-sections.

We are looking at changing courses a bit as mentioned elsewhere. Trying to get the balance between spectator friendly - but still giving the naviagator plenty to do. Looking at laps between 4 and 8 miles and with different laps rather than repeating the same course all the time.
Adam said:
We are looking at changing courses a bit as mentioned elsewhere. Trying to get the balance between spectator friendly - but still giving the naviagator plenty to do.

Good idea, make sure that nobba Yorke doesn't get blase!

What is there to report on RIB - believe it was the BIBOA dinner/dance/AGM ?

Anything decided on your classes / racing?

How do you think the RIBS would feel about the above courses / format etc. In the past it seems that if you give RIB's long courses to do then they moan they are not in-shore enough and visa versa! Just important to know.

Johnson said:
Good idea, make sure that nobba Yorke doesn't get blase!

Will keep him plenty busy - but if he finds it too easy we will mount his seat Ski Racing style!
I reckon a deck chair ratchet strapped between the pickle forks would be a good place to start, and would force a little respect from ya newbie :D
Matt said:
Wonder if I could manage to take a visual fix from the land to do a bit of triangulation, or whatever it's called. :lollol:

Tekin a 'transit', or 2/3

No, not a Ford, nobba!
Go ahead Matt, good plan. :)
Here's what's been done in France & may be of help. Offshore here almost died but picked up a few years ago because of the numerous categories:

+ RIB/inflatables 3 classes :
- up to 75hp
- 76 to 150hp
- 151 to 250hp
+ OCR: V-hulls over 5,5M & 2L motors
+ Offshore 3L: all boats over 6M to 3L engines
+ Offshore Sport: all boats to 6L & 600hp

Adam said:

What is there to report on RIB - believe it was the BIBOA dinner/dance/AGM ?

Anything decided on your classes / racing?

How do you think the RIBS would feel about the above courses / format etc. In the past it seems that if you give RIB's long courses to do then they moan they are not in-shore enough and visa versa! Just important to know.


The BIBOA AGM was on Sunday morning and, of course thee wasn't time to catch up on what was said at your meeting so bear that in mind.

There really is only 1 boat in what was Formula 1 ? Open class and that is John Lindsay in "Ice" - the big Seatek RIB so Formula 2 will be known as Formula 1 from now on.

There was some confusion over wether it was going to be Cowes Toquay or Torquay Cowes next year though!

Also some confusion over the XR2 / green engine situation, but as the UIM have said, when the number of XR2's in a class in an International series goes below 1/3 the following season will be green only - RIBS will be OK because, like OCR we only race nationally!

With all the talk of more and better venues who are more enthusiastic I am sure the RIB class would come around to the sort of courses being suggested, I for one wouldn't mind anyway.

As far as other things are concerned I believe that websites including the RYA's (and mine!) are not updated often enough, and do not help the people trying to get into the sport enough.

We should encourage teams to provide giveaways at venues for comentators on the spot prizes (stickers etc). Investigate the possibility of bringing other entertainment to race weekends like the Robot Wars stand at Ramsgate or even the bikini contests that the Jet Ski boys have on thier tour. More boat parades like Exmouth - great fun for the competitors and gets the weekend going so even if the PR before the event is awfull (still) then at least the town will know we've arrived! If it's too expensive with the cost of police etc then local businesses migh sponsor it or a National company might sponsor the "tour"?

Hope that's enough to be going on with,
I have had talks with brian and he has asked me to act as a scrutineer for your class, I am a registed scrut for the MSA.
I look forward to seeing you all at a meeting soon.
The other thing we are doing with the RIBs is to weigh the first 3 boats at avery meeting - not 1 was weighed last season!
checker said:
I can do that as I have the equiptment to do it

Thanks - Equipment isn't the issue - at Cowes they had to borrow my load cell because the RYA didn't realise thiers was a rechargeable one and it was flat!

However someone who knows how to use the equipment and can measure / scrutineer an engine would be a real asset - you have presumably heard the term all the gear and no idea? :bolt:
as long as I have all the Technical data for engines I can check any part to see that it complys with the regs.

Lets hope that all are OK or I will find the non complying part.
checker said:
I have had talks with brian and he has asked me to act as a scrutineer for your class, I am a registed scrut for the MSA.
I look forward to seeing you all at a meeting soon.

What's the MSA?
Motor sports association?