Johnny Boat Dude said:If you sort the threads in this forum by the 'thread stater' any order doesnt matter and from 'the beginning' it soon becomes clear who is the cleverist and who is the stupidist if you see what I mean
Not looking to good for you is Matty Boy!!!
Burty said:So what are you saying, Matt has asked lots of questions?
Johnny Boat Dude said:Yeah well done you got there in the end!!!
How many questions has the likes of TD, Jonny and Cye asked
and you just made my screen go funny and i had to scroll over to read your post. nobbaGav said:And your point is????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Oh i get it now...........if you have a question to ask.....DONT..........cus JBD will incinuate yr a dumb ass, jeez what a totaly useless peice of my hard drive you have just taken up............
Johnny Boat Dude said:It was just suposed to be a laugh I wont bother from now on!!!