Counter rotating


Senior member
Sep 26, 2004
Great Stambridge Essex
Cruising area
Essex Marina/crouch southeast coast
How do you run twin outboards ive heard of couter rotating engines but how does it work does the gearbox run in reverse?. I wanted to try putting 2x 275 merc on my phantom can i run one engine in reverse? or do i change one prop to compensate?

Cheers for any info:drink:
You can't just run a standard box in reverse, you need a dedicated left hand rotation lower unit. sinse about '90 a shiftable left hander (with full FWD-N-RVS) has been available, before that, bespoke, locked in gear left hand boxes were custom built purely for racing with twins, but I would think most are in museums now.
So can i convert the box lower unit? Or buy a lower unit?

thanks johnson
Yeah the boxes are massive compared to the xr2, Looks like ill be selling the second engine doh!!!!!!
Increased torque??? :brain:
The bridgeport box is tiny compared to the 275 s, might have to invest in a nose cone maybe that would help.
Stopping 'blow out' is exactly what the various nose cones are for
if you want to avoid agro.....I think bobs will do all the work for you.

I.e....i'd buy the c/r box and have it sent to bobs for them to fit the cone & L/w pickup. Then get them to send the cone kit for the standard rot unit you already got & you'll have one to measure up to & copy.

then all you need is a phantom 23 to stick'm both on:)
Would be nice although i still have the prob i have 25" mids and not 20" unless i got a jack plate for each.

Is bobs any good? You bought nething from there?
I have not bought anything.....but I do have a bobs manual lifter (6inch setback).

if ya doing twins.......wouldnnt you better of with a gill bracket.......custom welded up or sommin??

I'm the wrong fella to be asking about that.........but cant help to think a P20 is way tooo small for all this! a well known buy with confidence
Ill leave one engine on the p20 for know for fun until a bigger boat comes along. Dont wanna sell your lifter do ya?, sent bob email will order some goodies next week
I reckon if you put twin 275's on a bracket, on a P20, you'd have massive boyancy problems, even twin 300's on brackets on a P28 look arse heavy, and thats a way longer, and wider boat

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