Cowes To Host British Grand Prix

Petrol Head

Senior member
Mar 16, 2004
West Sussex
Cruising area
Solent + south coast
Boat name
Black Widow
Boat make
Donzi 30' sportsboat
2* 454
Got this today....

Powerboat P1 Press Office, March 2005: It is today confirmed that KBL Powerboat Management Ltd, rights holder and promoter of the U.I.M. Powerboat P1 World Championship, is to take over the running of the Cowes Classic, one of the world’s premier festivals of offshore racing. In its deal with the British Powerboat Racing Club, KBL will be responsible for the long term development of the festival, a major component of which is to establish the Cowes Classic as the new British home of the U.I.M. Powerboat P1 World Championship.

Interesting times ahead then!
Wonder if they'll be kind to the smaller classes!
Thanks for the news and the link.

Excellent news that Petrol Head.
KBL have the rights, but after the very sucessfull Plymouth and Brighton events UKOBA aka Rory Power, are going to actually run the event. Things are looking up!!!
R-Don said:
Thanks for the news and the link.

Excellent news that Petrol Head.

Stuck the whole press release in the front of Pontoontalk. Its over the word limit for one post and alot of it is just hype.

Ill take a look later. :up:

Ah Huh, thank you very much.