Not worth running an EGT unless you have an adjustable ECU.
If the motor runs lean the block will sieze in seconds, and unless you are driving and looking at the gauge constantly then you would never notice.
As for picking up a bag, use an overheat warning light and/or a buzzer.
You would also notice this on the water pressure gauge.
I have 2 gauges in the new Bernico: A moster RPM gauge and a moster Water pressure gauge, I also have a overheat warning light.
Thats it nothing else needed, and I have a 300 Drag motor on the back.
Same goes for fuel pressure once this is set thats it, if you have a problem it would happen so quickly you would'nt notice it on a gauge; (unless you are looking at it along with the EGT)
Only fit these extra gauges if you have money to spare or you want to populate the dash board.