For demonstration purposes only

what the feck are you on about tosser

I am just demonstrating my affection for all of you lot.

It's to illuminate a comment I made over on the proper forum when i replied saying 'where is the chinscratcher emoticon when you need it'.

Ribnet being a dignified and well run forum doesn't have that sort of Smiley

I know it's a load of aggro, but if you really need use that smilie on RN you can, all you have to do is, enter this URL -- by the IMG script, ie,
color] before, and this [color=red]
after, in the place you want the smilie....easy

I haven't put the img brackets round the url to show you, coz it would just show you the smilie!
rowg waiv said:
Ribnet being a dignified and well run forum doesn't have that sort of Smiley


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