Forr sayul

The gArfish

Senior member
Mar 14, 2004
rinng faktery
Boat name
rinng peas
1 x anker bilt owt ov staynliss steal, verry fkin shyny an sum flairs throwd inn forr fuk orl

wan undrid pownds

1 x fkin batery charjer mareen spec siksty kwid, brannd noo

rools ov ingayjmint.....

noe bastuds norf ov wotferd too aply
nonn payirs wil be reepawtid too charly kraye
i rezerv de rite too ennd dis sayl erly az de bitts arr orlso onn de fkin eebay

Say what now?
MrRob said:
Say what now?

Can you not read?

gArf says he has a very shiny stainless steel anchor for sale £100 if bought he will give you some flares too. He also has a brand new marine spec battery charger for £60
And since Brum is north of Watford you're out of luck. :)
Ian said:
Unless, of course, Mr Rob is not a 'bastud' then he should be okay. :D
Looks like he's out of luck then! :bolt:

Sorry. Jon Fuller made me do it! :D
Hey Johnny, are the rumours true that you got yourself 'thrown out' of a certain public event today? :D .....(fkkn rif-raf)
You certainly seem to be making enemies all over the place these days, you wanna be more pleasant to people, like what I am!

I'd start by banning 50% of your members, get rid of all the useless dopey fkkrs! I could help with choosing the names if you like :D

EDIT>: Just read my own post, and realised it really auta read 75% :D
:wank: ..very good mr bond. :D
Johnson said:
are the rumours true that you got yourself 'thrown out' of a certain public event today?

yus de rewmers arr troo, hee woz cort pikkin pokkits agen.

wot i wont too noe iz ow de fuk cann a tenn fut torl bastud bee frowen owt bi a forr fut likkul weady bastud fromm devun

fuk mee de shear dissgrais ov itt orl.


sp. fuk orf mi sayuls thred. i nead de munny
iyl giv yew fowty qwid fore yewer batry charjer gArfy
The gArfish said:
eym nott shewer. iz wher yew livv norf ov wotferd orr wot


noe kideeminsteer iz sowth ov yew, yew nobstick:bang: