Free the Icelandic One...

jackeen's Missus

Senior member
Mar 13, 2004
The Pit
Please can Bogib come back. He loves boats and banter and especially loved Boatmad.

I miss him and his posts.

cos the mincers a hateful bastud
Y R U a scratcher?

have you got crabs? :sick: :( :shag: :sex: :sperm:
I miss Bogib and Willow but Jf's personal site and he's been quite clear about his aims by PM.

If there was anything I could say to get them back, I would.

jackeen's Missus said:
he's been quite clear about his aims
Which are?
Ice Kiddie said:
Y R U a scratcher?

have you got crabs? :sick: :( :shag: :sex: :sperm:

not presently thanks, but thank you for your concern you can make a donation here

Some people pay homage to Alan priddy cos he pushes the RIB envelope ( but not you eh!)
Some people pay homage to John Fuller cos he is good at wiring and makin metal things (well Matt does)
some people pay homage to Jono (cos hes got a fkkn crane)

so I changed my name as an homage to gArfie cos he is a superb piss taker and that's what he's been calling me lately

:worthy: :worthy: :worthy:
rowgscratcher said:
Some people pay homage to Alan priddy cos he pushes the RIB envelope ( but not you eh!)
Some people pay homage to John Fuller cos he is good at wiring and makin metal things (well Matt does)
some people pay homage to Jono (cos hes got a fkkn crane)

so I changed my name as an homage to gArfie cos he is a superb piss taker and that's what he's been calling me lately

:worthy: :worthy: :worthy:

Good post...Bravo!
thanks JF I pride myself on being deeply shallow ( thats an oxymoron gArfie)

If your offering a new website Matt id agree with you. I have a problem with this one as url registration lapsed and although it's been renewed it doesn't seem to be connected to the site anymore....bummer, more fkkn phone calls

rowgscratcher said:
it doesn't seem to be connected to the site anymore....bummer, more fkkn phone calls

Well you're usually supposed to do that bit on line you nobber!!
Gav71 said:
Why are these folk being banned??????
YEah! What ever happened to "BoatMad, land of the free where no one gets banned"? Power crazed fascist dictators that's what!

Actually I don't think that the FGT has anything to do with it. Since Matt staged his recent takeover and stole the fun from BoatMad it's all got a bit long trousered round here.

Bring back Manos!
Bring back Flanker!

Manos was asked to shape up, or ship out! ...he shipped out, ......then I banned him anyway just to be safe :D :seaman:
well that's the first time I've been called a fairy

Thanks matt, what a lead

Matt said:
The grinch's post has already been filled I think.

yes he did seem to enjoy that bolluck plopping game quite a lot