gArfs manyewel ov de fkin seemuttship

The gArfish

Senior member
Mar 14, 2004
rinng faktery
Boat name
rinng peas
heer iz toodaiys kwestiun forr dem dat finks dat thay arr de fkin grillas gownads wen itt cums too seemuttship

wot iz a redd an wite strypt cann shayped boyy

Safe water mark?

wel fuk mee 48 vews an noe fkker givs de anser. grifon waz neerly rite wiv de culers butt a saif worter marrk aint a fkin cann.

de anser iz itts a pawt and marrker cann dat az ad a fkin seegul yewsin itt az a clujjer hense de wite strypes.

toomoroes kwestiun todaiy iz...

ifn five tewts onn yorr fkin orn iz....

i amm unshewer ov yorr intenshuns yew nobbur

wot iz forr tewts

The gArfish said:
ifn five tewts onn yorr fkin orn iz....

i amm unshewer ov yorr intenshuns yew nobbur

wot iz forr tewts


I was unsure of your intentions and now I've crashed into you and my horn doesn't work anymore!

Do I win the prize? :D
I am going astern and one for luck! (3 +1)
no it aint i remember that 2 init! giveup!
Cookee said:
I am going astern

i noe dat yew orlwaiys seam too bee doin dis wen yorr fkin racin yew nobbur butt ifn i waz yew i wud prowgramm de fkin orn too giv forr tewts orl de fkin tyme.

itt meens eym a wannker an amm unshewer ov mi intenshuns

toomoroes kwestiun iz...

onn yorr pawt syde an onn a convirjin corse yew av a fkin yott wiv itts fkin raggs upp onn de larberd takk butt showin a invertid blakk cown onn iz forrskin hoo iz de stannd onn bote

interesting reading?
hes motoring also and im the stand on vessel... i think
glen76 said:
hes motoring also and im the stand on vessel... i think

i fink........ i fink.........i fink........

yew downt gett de fkin tyme to fink inn de colishun sityewashuns yew nobbur. bee morr fkin pozitiv. enywaiys yorr rite. heez mowtorin sow itt downt mater a munkis fukk ifn heez onn de larberd tak or nott. wel dun. av a shuggery donut. butt ifn yew likk yorr lipps wile yorr eetin itt, yorr a blujja.

tomoroes kwestiun iz........

wot de fuk iz a kateenery!

i got one..
Q. whats more annoying than a firking sailing boat (called team tonic!! named and shamed)standing on whilst crossing main channel against an overtaking cargo SHIP just out of the AOC until it nearly stuck it in the side of the ship and had to take evasive action leavin himself flung around in the wake..

A. a firking sailing boat (called team tonic!! named and shamed)standing on whilst crossing main channel against an overtaking cargo SHIP just out of the AOC until it nearly stuck it in the side of the ship and had to take evasive action leavin himself flung around in the wake.. with no sails, no cones up and motoring only..

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The gArfish said:

wot de fuk iz a kateenery!

It's where I send me cat when I go on a boatin' 'oliday.
:well: :drain:
jw. said:
It's where I send me cat when I go on a boatin' 'oliday.

i ad a tenn pownd bett dat sum ****t wud saiy sumfink abowt fkin pussis.

az de kwestiun seams too ard forr yew nobburs, toomoroes kwestiun iz a bitt fkin eezier.

yew arr gowin dowen a chanul an yew av a ship heddin toowards yew. itt iz showin too blakk borls onn itts pawt syde an i downt meen dat a jamaycun seeman iz avin a pis ova de syde.

wot syde doo yew pas de bastud fing.?
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The gArfish said:
i ad a tenn pownd bett dat sum ****t wud saiy sumfink abowt fkin pussis.

az de kwestiun seams too ard forr yew nobburs, toomoroes kwestiun iz a bitt fkin eezier.

Ok, I'll be serious.

It's a fkin dredger which got itself stuck on a rock and the balls show yew which side yor balls will get caught on ifn you go that way.

I claim da prize money. You can send it to dee fkin kateenery.
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jw. said:
I claim da prize money.

KO eyll bee searius to. ifn yew fink eym senndin munny too a scoch git yew nead too bee taykin innto custordy unnder sekshun 28 ov de mentul helf akt.

yorr fkin diskwalifyed onn acownt ov de fakt dat itts got fuk orl too doo wiv de drejjer stukk onn a rokk

de nekst kwestiun iz...

yew arr dryvin a fkin ribb inn de darrk an jony fuler forls owt ov de fkin fing.

wot barins doo yew nead too stear too cuvver a rowtatin tryangewler sekter serch?.

eny ****t wot sez i wudunt bovver i wud jus cary onn duz av mi addmerashun butt dat anser wownt cownt:laugh:

The gArfish said:
yew arr dryvin a fkin ribb inn de darrk an jony fuler forls owt ov de fkin fing.

How would you know he's fallen out? Oh yeah, I remember, that annoying whining noise coming from the stern would have stopped. :hugegrin:

I'll be putting my order in to Manos now then. :bolt: :D
The gArfish said:

dis anser iz stuninng inn itts inncompleatedniss. yew mus av deelooshuns ov adikwacy

Set a marker where you start.
0, 120, 240, 0, 120, 240, 0
30, 150, 270, 30, 150, 270, 30
60, 180, 300, 60, 180, 300, 60

Ifn you didn't find de ginger bastud, do it all again startin +30º. Ifn you still didn't find 'im, he's got exceptional windage and you'd be better startin' an expandin' box search.

I claim de prize agin.
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