Good RPM from a standard 2.4 200


Mar 17, 2004


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thats really good rpm
whats been done to the engine?
what was the water conditions like? millpond, rough, etc

Thats good rpm, but it's not a standard 2.4 is it?

What speed did you make at those revs?
Burty said:
thats really good rpm
whats been done to the engine?
what was the water conditions like? millpond, rough, etc

Standard motor, 1.87:1 box. It was using my 26 chop, you know, the one you could only spin to 6300. It was well rough at weston but I manged to find a flat bit. Didnt GPS it but I reckon it was somewhere on the fast side of 110mph. Not bad for a P20 :)
If you dont believe me just look at how white my knuckles are in the photo ;p;
Cool speed

I wonder how long those standard rods will hold up or are you using bridgeport rods?
They're the big 5250 rods in that motor anyway same as a bridgeport they just dont have the SPS bolts that the hipo motors use.

I supose the motor isn't completely standard, it has an XR2 airbox!!! :D

I wan't an xr2 airbox!!!:D
It's so easy to confuse mph with kph, don't you think, still, 68mph is pretty good.
Or turn the little wheel thingy on the back of the rev counter so it thinks its only a 4 instead of a 6.


I wasn't confusing mph with kph cause I didn't record the speed I was just guessing from the rpm prop and final drive!!!

Also there is no 4 or 6 selecter on the back of the revcounter!!!

Its all down to my driving!!! :D
It's clear non of you have ever been any where near 110, except mebbe just before your mum woke you up with a cup of tea.

Have you the faintest idea how many HP you'd need to get a P20 doing 110?

Being afraid at 70 is nothing to be ashamed of tho'. :tea:
jon fuller said:
Have you the faintest idea how many HP you'd need to get a P20 doing 110?

About 200!!! :D

It might not have been 110 but the tacho was reading 9500 with a 26 chop fitted and thats the honest truth!!!

I have a question for anyone with a mercury tacho. Whats it reading right now, this very moment? Zero? ;)
Johnny Boat Dude said:
I have a question for anyone with a mercury tacho. Whats it reading right now, this very moment? Zero? ;)

Whatever it was reading when I turned the ignition off!

Of course it could be that the prop was turning air when it hit those revs! :drain: :drain: :drain:
Or it could be that whilst trying my new starter motor out the rev counter was kicking about a bit as I flicked the key on and off, as it sometimes does. Its not uncommon for it to stop on 2000-3000 rpm so when it had a big kick and stopped on 9500 I though it was to good an oppetunity to miss. The boat was on the trailer in my drive. I had to chop the picture a bit cause the full picture shows the water pressure gauge on zero and the key in the off position :D
Here ya go!

No BS!

Would you go this fast in an open boat???

I would have serious reservations about it!


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