Ha Ha Ha!

Jon Fuller

Mar 12, 2004
Cruising area
South Coast
Boat name
Boat make
Phantom 28
Mantoss has a 3 month ban on RIBnet! :drain:
Jonny said:
Mantoss has a 3 month ban on RIBnet! :drain:

Early Christmas present for you, its made your day :crimbo2::drain: :banana:
I saw that as well, too much has been edited to work out wot actually happened.
How is he going to sell that Foolcon now one less forum to advertise it on? Falcon 640SR, sounds like a cheap pair of trainers!
Re: Re: Ha Ha Ha!

PistonBroke said:
Hey turdface, d'ya reckonn there might be any more banning going on tonite?

yus wee cud doo wiv anuvver kull. ders a feww abowt hoo arr a smely pressence

an yew shudunt corl Rm. fuler a tirdfaice. eyve sean sum ansum tirds inn mi tyme i kan tel yew butt eyve nevver sean a jinjer wan.

Re: Re: Ha Ha Ha!

PistonBroke said:
Hey turdface, d'ya reckonn there might be any more banning going on tonite? :hugegrin:

Only on Boatmad!

It's been a couple of days for banning here!...about 6 now I think.

I really don't want to drift back to where we were a few months back, with the 'Disciples'!
what do you think your feeble powers can do against the "young deciples"????

........apparantly nothin':D