Do you actually wear gloves for laminating? Just wash your hands off in a bucket of acetone afterwards.
I actually washed my face in acetone once; after I managed to flick gelcoat on it. Hence the mask. It was very cold & difficult to breathe for a while.
Nope wrong tree, however thats who Cyco works for but they are in clevedon now. moved about 5 years ago. I work for a company called Safelab, we have units at the uni and the marine labs down there.
Close; it's an Omega 201, but I'm not working on it. I'm just loafing around next to it. :wink:
I went up to Nailsea about 9/10 years ago for GRC training. We have quite a few here; from the early blue/silver M150's, through duals & TPU's, to a Zenith.
How long have you been at Edwards? Are you field service? We may have met.
Not feild service.....Design.
Responsible for alot of the Zenith work.
Have just finished the design of Zenith MK2
Used to work at Electrotech / Trikon may have tested that unit your stood next to in the pic.
Also know the TPU product very well, not that interested in the M150 or IGRC old hat now.
Do you have a Zenith pump lift truck down there?
I designed that.