There are 2 versions of the 280. A consumer one and a race one the consumer one is limited to 7500 and the race one is 8200. I think you only get the race one over here though. If its on a 15" or an offshore mid it will be the race offshore version 8200rpm, assmuing the power heads never been swapped. If you want mega power and revs its best to swap to 260 or Drag electronics and change to a 56PSI (black) fuel reg and ECU. Its not just the limiter on the 280, the igniton cant hadle more than about 8500rpm. Dont know anything about circuit racing but is top speed everything ir do you need acceleration out of the corners too? There was a ski boat in weston (Palpataions, P21 lightweight) that ran 87mph gps with a tuned 280 towing a skier.