how hard

Captain Chaos

The Doc
Mar 12, 2004
is it to rebuild a bullet costly?

if water has made it into the box on an engine, what else should one look out for on the rest of it that may be buggered?

ta in advance
nope......but i really would appreciate some help if you could assist in anyway
You need tools and the skill to be able to shim it correctly - There might be more those are the issues I know about!

Can get it done down this way if needs be - issues are mainly to do with how much damage has been done - the shafts rust allowing the impellor to pump out all of the oil on some shafts, bearings and gears can all fail due to water ingress - no way of knowing how much damage is done without opening it up!
I know the damage, its completely fecked!!

I was wondering whether looking for another is easier/ cheaper than repairing that one AND what other stuff in the midsection may hae been effected when the box ground to a halt?
So best case, case & bearing carrier are re-usuable, worst case entire gearcase is junk?
If it ground to a halt it will be somewhere between very fecked and written off! contsct OCRDA who is a member here with the shaft length and what you're looking for - he may have something or some parts?
It depends what stopped it and how fast - but the very worst case scenario could in theory damage the crank, but I would of thought the drive shaft would go long before then, so unless there are other problems I would have thought just the box - a second and third opinion is very advisable though - there are others with a lot more experience than me around here!
IMHO, there's very little rotational mass in them so it's unlikely to have buggered the motah.

Captain Chaos said:
and other damage to engine could be?
Thanks the both of ya............looks like i've got 2 motors to look at on sat........any other offers?
The condition of the spline at the top of the downshaft will give a good indication of the state of the internal spline in the bottom of the crank.
There's a seal in the lower end of the crank that should keep a pocket of grease in and around the mating splines, if that's failed/fecked orf, there could be trouble in store in the form of a stripped crank spline.

Also look for the upper spline of the downshaft being 'twisted'.

I'd leave the fkkr alone, and let some one else have the aggro.
good advice Jonny.............your other half has given the same advice.

thanks very much all, I felt i sorta had to ask anyway.
Matt said:
How many world championships have you won?

I didnt say id won any championships! :confused:

However, My name is Mr. Holmes.
John or neil?????