How much


Senior member
Mar 23, 2004
South West
Cruising area
South West
Boat name
Boat make
Bernico 21
Mercury F1, 300 Drag, XR2 "Fingerported"
Through hull bow tank pick up £50.

where i can get a bow tank pick up that doesnt go through the transom ,like yours burty.just like to say ive seen burtys phantom it is in exclent condition and what a awsome peice of kit!
Why not through hull.
This is a much more tidy way of doing it.

because its only a jubalee clip holding the pipe on and also i dont really want to have to dig a big hole in the hull
do you no any one with a 2.5 efi 260 or 280?
how can i put my boat on the readers rides page?also have you got the pm from me?
Nothing wrong with jubilee clips. Also what about your dump isnt that a big hole in the back.
havnt even got that far,i have the tank but no pik up or dump so its in the garage ,i have fitted the petrol tank up the front for balist
TheMutzNuts said:
how can i put my boat on the readers rides page?

By emailing the pics (12 max) to me ******************** or ***************
Cheers,ill do it when i get the tabs and new bits on it
Bow tank

Why not try just the tabs first before worrying about the bow tank
And you say that it's only a jubile clip holding on the hose, well that is the same for ethier type through hull or outside.
I have both types for sale.
You also need to drill a hole through the top deck if you go for the transom mount pickup for the hose.
Yes I do know for a 2.5efi s/s with around 300hp just been rebuilt.
very good condition with alien cowling.
I think what he's saying is, if you use a thru-hull type, as it's bellow the waterline, if the hose, or clip fail in some way, it'll sink!
the thing is when the jubile clip is on the outside it doesnt matter if it comes off because it wont fill the boat up with water,
how much for the 2.5 and is it the 280 or 260,i dont need a sort shaft do you how if if could just get the powerhead
well done jonny you hit the nail on the head
Would have to ask.
Think it's the whole engine but will try.
This isn't gonna be a cheap motor.....just been rebuilt by Nico.
I would guess around the £3800 mark.
It's a 260efi with 280 double ringed top pinned pistons.
Very quick.
so is that the only difference with the 280 and 260 the pistons?
how much is a cmc lift and a 2 inch spacer ?
No the 280 has o-ringed heads, a completly different coil pack and charge curuit which includes an alternator.
The 280 also has an ECU which is very hard to remap or re-chip.
The 280 is also a different block which is more relieved in the exhaust chest.

Jonny boat dude help me out if I've forgotten any thing.

TheMutzNuts said:
how much is a cmc lift and a 2 inch spacer ?

Will check for you later.
I'll PM you tonight.
The 280 also has an ECU which is very hard to remap or re-chip.
could you get more power out of the 260 then?,

Will check for you later.
I'll PM you tonight..
most people that want maximum performance use a 280 block with 260 electronics.

A tuned 280 will cost you alot more money.