I had to laugh!


Senior member
May 4, 2005
Cruising area
Anywhere! I prefer Weymouth
Boat name
Never Enough
Boat make
Seaquel 600xs
225hp Merc ProMax
I gave me mate my old speedo for his boat. its 13ft Fletcher arrow sport with a 80hp merc blue band. I handed it over, he took one look, then looked back at me and said "but it only goes upto 60mph..."
LOL :drain:
Ive had 50-55ish MPH out of a Merc 150hp black max with a 21p laser II at 6300rpm
I say 50-55ish as I had no speedo/GPS at the time but thats what I THINK is was Doing.
I havent had it in the water yet with the 225hp promax on but I think I should be in the region of 70-75'ISH' on a 23p Solas Scorpian at 6800rpm.
What kind of performance u get from your ring + setup?
not had it running yet mate.
did you get any pics of the marshan from mr davies??
when you goin to post soem new pics of the engine dude?

I PM'ed martin but never got any reply's from him. I haven't thought to take any pics of the engine really. Just this one I took on my phone when I picked it up.


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This is the pic I got when I was buying the boat. The paint wasnt is that good nic when I got her.


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The Gel Coat is shagged out. I tried polish, polish with a buffer, wet and dry + polish, no good. The top deck is ****ed. Below this rubbing strip is isnt too bad and can be restored but I am gonna have Gav respray it for me over the winter.
cool pics!! whats the top sercret bit over mutts nuts ???
I Cant tell you whats behind the TOP SECRET cover. But they sold me a 2.5efi due to an engine upgrade.
They still haven't got back to me telling me what they would like on their head stones. thats all im saying lol
Captain Chaos said:
dont think so.

there is another mutz nutz though...........so i'm told.

The other one you are on about is a grey and red P21 ski boat owned by the same bloke who has 'The Edge' / 'Here on Business' and its 'the mutts nuts' rather than mutz nutz
I don't know much about skiing but shouldn't they be using a longer line? :D
I dont think he's even using a line, looks like he's just hanging on to the engine!

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