Ive been busy for a while(LoadsOfPics)


Senior member
Sep 26, 2004
Great Stambridge Essex
Cruising area
Essex Marina/crouch southeast coast
And its paid off ive fitted nose cone and hydrofoils which has given me so much more stabilty :cool: . I for the first time touched 70mph :booty: i can trim up now and save loads of fuel :laugh:.
Ive also modded me trailer so i can drive straight on without getting wet:cool: .

Look out for the new 275 Offshore Mercury never built:laugh:




Errrr... got any slightly larger pics? I'm struggling with making out any detail...:D
Bigger is better.

Not yet im going to try make a film when it gets a bit warmer
It did have until i grinded it off, I dont think i will ever get the engine high enougth to be needing a lw pickup.
I might put a bobs exhaust on there to make her rumble
Jono said:
Errrr... got any slightly larger pics? I'm struggling with making out any detail...:D

Well you can see the wriggles in the epoxy and the oil drippin' from the drain plug....:hugegrin:
hope he don't look too close at my oil burner then
Matt said:
Hope he don't look too close at the oil burner I'm selling him!!! :drain: :well: :D :D


I will.
Jonny said:
hope he don't look too close at my oil burner then

Actually, I see you're holding down yer fancy boat with 3 x 500kg straps... What was it's weight again....3000kg?

is he picking it up on the 8th Jan?
jw. said:
Actually, I see you're holding down yer fancy boat with 3 x 500kg straps... What was it's weight again....3000kg?


at least

FWD one is a bigg'n tho'
Like, how come a landrover with 84k on the clock has a dry diff casing? Bet there's no fkin oil left in it....I'll check.:)

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