Latest gadget... colour printer

Ice Kiddie

Senior member
Mar 14, 2004
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Just the one :-(
I've just got one of those Epson "Picture Mate" printers which are advertised on the telly at the moment.


It will print directly from the card, or from PC by USB and the quality is fab. Costs about 29p per print. 6"x4" prints only.

Quality is superb - just like a glossy photographic print.
sounds good Richard

Out of interest whats the most useful gadget anybody's bought. In terms of everyday use I think it has to be the 'Jiggle Syphon'

:wank: and I mean the one I use for transferring fuel!
Don't know if it qualifies as a gadget but my Leatherman "Supertool" gets used most days!!!!!!!!!!!
Yup, Leatherman (in my case supertool 200, in fact I've got about five different models, I buy the latest every time I go to the States)

They are truly wonderful.
Johnson said:
Yup, Leatherman (in my case supertool200, in fact I've got about five different models, I buy the latest every time I go to the States)
All the gear . . . :D
Hey Jonny, have banned that wanker Manos yet?
Johnny Rocket said:
All the gear . . . :D

I do love a gadget!

And love the oul Leatherbabies, I've got the:

'supertool 200'

And will be lookin in Feb for the latest :D

PS. and the attachment thingy for using screwdriver bits
Re: Re: Re: Latest gadget... colour printer

Ice Kiddie said:
It that the one you call the "Fuller's Filler"? :bolt:

I have two one has a thin tube which we call the 'Fullers fueller' the other one which is 4 times the circumference and considerably longer we call that one 'Dirks Deliverer'
...only 64MB though!!!'s so uncool to have less than a gig on your USB drive these days!
While we're on gadgets, I'm in the market for one of those GPS speed camera alert devices -- just got another ticket for doing 36 in a 30 zone :flame:

Anyone tried one? I like the look of the Micro Road Pilot but for about the same price I could get a Tom Tom Go which is a full on navigator with an optional speed camera database.

I reckon that a dedicated unit would ultimately be better for camera avoidance, but it seems a shame to miss out on the navigation stuff too. Decisions, decisions . . .
The price of these units would pay for lots of fixed penalty tichets!! (R U feeling the heat of just having three "lives" left Mr Rocket?)

Of course, if you've got a handheld unit already, you could just look for a reliable source of camera waypoints and set the unit to "alert to waypoint"?
"Rocket Man" for many reasons!

Get one quick!! :speechles

(and p'raps fit cruise control!)
Johnson said:
Yup, Leatherman (in my case supertool 200, in fact I've got about five different models, I buy the latest every time I go to the States)

They are truly wonderful.

In that case how about giving me your old one m8? :D
Johnny Rocket said:
Feeling the heat of having one life left! :wotzhapni

Er, new specs might do it.
I have the 'Road Angel' by Black spot, it's fab, and I wouldn't go anywhere without it now, the real eye opener, is when it warns you about the 'average speed' traps between motorway bridges, you really wouldn't know that they're there otherwise.

they have a new model out now, which a mate has just bought.

I'll report on the new model when I talk yo my mate agin

Lookin at your links John, I like the way the road pilot also displays the speed limit of the road you're on!..excellent