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Jon Fuller

Mar 12, 2004
Cruising area
South Coast
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Phantom 28
someones lookin


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Can you tell how many visitors are using Mozilla/Firefox?

(just been reading a Slashdot article that says IE now generally less than 90%)
TheOrs said:

Can you tell how many visitors are using Mozilla/Firefox?

(just been reading a Slashdot article that says IE now generally less than 90%)

Dunno to be honest, I'll look into it.

with respect to to the 90% figure, I'm surprised it was that high anyway, remember there's loads'a nobbers like me who use AOL (Kennett know chuckling), or Compuserve, that must shift the figures.
Dunno, the AOL browser uses things like the IE temp files folder, but works very diferently, and some things that'l work on IE, won't on aol, and vice-versa.

AOL has all the browsing and email functions built into one page, I actually really like it, and I'm sure most people who hate it with a vegence, have never actually used it.

bit like all the people that love Porche, but have never actually driven one, so how do they know!

As I'm always pointing out, I aint no IT bloke, and certainly don't claim to be. I'm just an FGT
Thanks Matt

AFAIK Firefox is based on Mozilla. Mozilla is an open-source project sponsored partly by Netscape (now a division of AOL).

Apparently AOL are about to release two new browsers, one IE based, the other Mozilla based.

(Disclaimer: I'm not an IT guy, I just like to read about this stuff.)

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