I´m in good mood/spirit having BOATMAD back in action and Missus been reinstaded as quilified moderator. Home alone my missus away working and the boys driving somewhere in the Trabant
Two important events this week...the arrival in the Solent of Ian's new boat...Black Jack-
And St. Patrick's Day when everyone becomes Irish for at least a week...even the Boss<a href='http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb008' target='_blank'><img src='http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/8/8_9_4.gif' border=0></a>
So we're hoping to go for a spin and light the Barbecue again on Sat 20th...
I will be on my way home from Bulgaria via London on the 20th, due to arrive LHR around 11 o´clock departure to Iceland around 13 hours arriving just in time for joining beer festival organised by Delta´s staff communities board
It would be more fun getting in Solent than with my staff members in Reykjavik, I will have to check with my superior on Monday wether I can change my ticket we will be flying out Tuesday morning