New Moderator

Jon Fuller

Mar 12, 2004
Cruising area
South Coast
Boat name
Boat make
Phantom 28
Louise (Mrs Nobber) has been appointed a Moderator over on RIBnet! excellent news, and well deserved, she is by far the most helpful and level headed person on RIBnet (and boatmad for that matter)

I suspect tho', there's a certain woman who's spitting feathers about it, and that makes me chuckle! :drain:

Go Louise, Go!
Thanks for your kind words, Mr F (cheque's in the post ;) ) but you really are being TOO kind. I'm not really a moderator - more like a little helper. If JK was Santa Claus, I would be an elf! Or, if you prefer, as JK is God, I am a disciple!!! :D
No NO NO! I was told there are 'NO DISCIPLES HERE' on RIBnet the other day, by a highly valued member!
There are many disciples on Ribnet wot I said was "I aint no fkkrs disciple" you are getting as bad at twisting statements as David Manning!
I wasn't talking about you lover! the quote was 'exact'
sorry, can I be a moderator please
There are currently no vacancies I'm affraid, but if you send me your CV, I'll put you on the list. :tea:
NO probelm sorry to hassle you. As you have a full compliment of moderators is there any chance one of them could draw a moustache and beard on Mr Rockets Avat?r.
No problem!
rowgscratcher said:
is there any chance one of them could draw a moustache and beard on Mr Rockets Avat?r.
Could only be an improvement! :D
Just a little square moustache will do!