older boats


Senior member
Mar 15, 2004
Boat name
Anyway of getting some of the older 3C boats back racing? There must be quite a number of boats out there that could be raced, some still doing basic races as it is.

We could do something like Formula 3 car racing with A and B classes depending on age of boats. To anyone watching it is still just one class but points would be given to both categories.

If entry fees were much lower for first year of racing for the older boats - would it attract any interest?
sounds good to me,cost is the only factor stopping us
Matt said:
Why not apply a first season discount to any new team/boat combo, not just the older boats?

Very much agree - but try getting this through the RYA / ORC (Offshore racing committee) - not easy!

But it is time for change and the powers that be have got to get more boats and to do so need to make racing more desirable to take part in - and that includes making it cheaper.
What can actually race in this class? My boat has a C-92 Sticker on it is that valid? What does it cost?
Matt said:
Why not apply a first season discount to any new team/boat combo, not just the older boats?
That might help convince a few people to have a go, but it's not going to keep people in the sport which is an equally important issue.

I don't know anything about 3C, but my guess is that there may be some fundamental work to be done to make the racing a good experience before it's worth any short term measures to get people to have a go.

This is probably the case for other classes too. Other than cost, what pisses people off about racing? Organisation? Rules? Officials? Venues?
My understanding is that the entry fees in Zap cat racing are fairly reasonable. They also seem to put on a good show and have a fairly good publicity effort.

is there any reason why entry fees in powerboats racing should be any more expensive than ZAPcat racing
U think for national racing the rules could be relaxed a little bit as long as you dont take the pi##. Any 2 ltr combo should beable to race. Of course if you want to race international you have to conform to type. Lets just get some more boats out there racing. There would need to be a minimum length/wieght but what the hell. Would make a great start with 20+ boats on the line!!
The whole rule thing needs looking at. The colour of helmets is big one. Crash that is!!!! Why should the national Authority state that you need a flourecent red colour for basic racing when all the current trends, ie RNLI, Coastgaurd etc trials prove that white is the best colour for all weather conditions in regard to visability. Its just pilling extra costs on an already "expensive sport".
Johnny Rocket said:
That might help convince a few people to have a go, but it's not going to keep people in the sport which is an equally important issue.

Well hopefully it will! Maybe not everyone but hopefully some.

Getting more boats and new people racing is just one aspect of where the class is trying to improve. More racers the better the racing.

As regards costs / courses / politics (hopefully less) / promotion there is also much more to be done. At the same time it is important to keep people who maybe interested in the class aware that things are changing and that there is a future for racing.


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