Pic for Matt

Jon Fuller

Mar 12, 2004
Cruising area
South Coast
Boat name
Boat make
Phantom 28
Matt, here's the Revenger 25 we were talking about yesterday.
It was campained by Peter Berrow form 96 till about 99


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Didn't he leave you in his tail on more than one occassion !!!!!

Oh that looks like Mark W rib in the background ?
jackeen said:
Didn't he leave you in his tail on more than one occassion !!!!!

Yeah, no matter how hard we tried, we just couldn't match the boat, driving, or navigating of that team!

Thats a lovely boat........excuse my igorance, but do i assume that would have been in the same class as the Phantom 28's etc?

As a point of interest, could that have been a trios boat?
Yes, it did run in 'T' class, against Roger Severy's 28 Phantom, us in the Extreme, other Revengers etc.
and yes, it was moulded by Trio's on the quiet, then Mike Slogit (revenger boats) found out, and Pete Berrow/Trios had to pay some royalties to him.

ps, don't know if I spelt Slogit's name right
T class

What was the genereral consensus of opinion then Jon?

was one particular boat (either one model or even a specific boat) particularly better than the rest, or did it mostly depend on conditions/ whom was at the helm?? I.e each had thier day.

BTW who drove Tony's Extreme when you raced?? what i'm trying to ask is who was the foolish, overtrusting nobber that went along for the ride;p;
I can't answer the first question for fear of harping on about things and being (even more of) a bore. but if one of the other teams had put as much effort into improving the performance of their boat as we did, they would have been unbeatable in any conditions, where as, as it was, they were only unbeatable in the rough. (and I'm not talking about T22)

Tony and I drove together (oooh eerrrr) in that, I mean Tony steered and navigated (alegedly) and I throttled/trimmed (not as in the soft furnishings you understand)
Like proper racing then!

...you got the responsible bit then?

I assume that you gave Tony "Barry Chiuckle" Davis one of those fake plastic steering wheel sets like Maggie has in the opening credits of the Simpsons then:drain:

I can well imagine that if you 2 had intercoms, its must have been hysterical @ times!
Re: Like proper racing then!

Captain Chaos said:
I can well imagine that if you 2 had intercoms, its must have been hysterical @ times!

There was some interesting conversation (when he was concious, useless fecker)

As for being responsible, I don't think so, TD was the most responsible, as he paid for it all!
jon fuller said:
I can't answer the first question for fear of harping on about things and being (even more of) a bore.

I thought that was what the forum is for...boatmad folk to speak about boaty things.

Do tell the stories.
No, i'd just get the piss taken out of me (even more)
I've only ever looked at one revenger 25 (mudeford vice) and was very impressed with it, he was running a pair of 225 mercs last time I saw him.
Those Revengers are very good boats and having passengered in T22 i can vouch for its performance.

Is Pete a member of this Forum?
R-Don said:
Is Pete a member of this Forum?

No he's not, there are quite a few members of the racing community who regularly visit Boatmad, but for reasons of their own, choose not to register/contribute.
Hi Jon,

What about john Burden - Extreme Too or Shelly Jory?
Hi Matt,

Thanks for pointing me to this site.

R-Don said:
Hi Jon,

What about john Burden - Extreme Too or Shelly Jory?

Don't think John's the PC type, Shelly looks, but probably wouldn't admit it (she'd have to join then)

But they all seem to know what's going on on BM!
Everyone has an equal opportunity to state their case, whatever that may be, all they have to do is register. :D
Revenger 27 San Marino (Mudeford Vice)

I've only ever looked at one revenger 25 (mudeford vice) and was very impressed with it, he was running a pair of 225 mercs last time I saw him.

Has anyone seen this boat recently? I've got some pictures of it back in the late 90's when it was running 2 x 200hp Mercury Outboards. The owner back then was called Steve.