Pirate Boats and suchlike

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Matt's written 'Disowned by missus :(' under his avatar. HTH :)
Definitely a SIB. The only hard boat I'd ever be seen in is a ferry! :duell: :D

As for coding - when did pirates start obeying rules, then?:lol:lol:
That's interesting, Richard was asking a while ago how much I would charge for a go in the Grumble.

That was cos he'd worked out your likely running costs and thought you'd only be able to take FARE-PAYING passengers!

I think being a pirate in a sib might encounter a few issues, are you sure you've thought it through carefully?

Well, as anyone will tell you, toobed botes enable you to go absolutely anywhere, in any conditions so I'm able to sail the seven seas very comfortably. :seaman: I'll also let you into a little secret - asI'm a GIRL, no-one takes me seriously so I get the element of surprise! I roll up next to their 'ard boats, giving it the old 'pathetic damsel in distress' routine, they give me helping hand on board and hey presto! I whip out me sword and off I go, pirating and pillaging. :duell:
Well, looking at the start of this thread, it would appear that the mad post axer has struck again, deleting Jackeen's posts and changing her own!!! I thought she was warned about that!

BTW, I am printing this page as evidence, just in case she deletes this post too!

:hatchet: :hatchet: :hatchet:

:flame: :flame: :flame:
yo mrs nobber ,

whats the problem ... as you and matt where talking a right load of bollix about crap which had nothing to do with my original question it seemed appropriate to change the name to your pirate bollix talk.

jez lighten up:D
Mrs Nobber said:
Well, looking at the start of this thread, it would appear that the mad post axer has struck again, deleting Jackeen's posts and changing her own!!! I thought she was warned about that!

BTW, I am printing this page as evidence, just in case she deletes this post too!

:hatchet: :hatchet: :hatchet:

:flame: :flame: :flame:

Hi there Louise.

You can also delete or change any of your posts should you consider them say....unwise or irrelevant... :D

My message for Matthew was more PM material as the thread went in a different direction so I sent it as a pm instead.

Your posts are untouched and preserved for posterity in their original brilliance for all to admire.

(BTW interested to note your dismissal of hardboats as they are the core business of the site. Privately enquiring about payment for spins in a hardboat doesn't seem to add up. ??? :D )

How you choose to spend your life is of course up to you<a href='http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb008' target='_blank'><img src='http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/4/4_6_100.gif' border=0></a>
but may I humbly suggest that there may be better things to do than printing out Bollix Threads.

But it is very flattering all the same :)


Woah! What happened here dudes? If there's gonna be a fight, can I sell tickets?..Please?...:drink: Extra for ring side of course....
It seems I've provoked a sense of humour failure down in Fareham. Maybe I didn't add enough smilies to my post. No seriousness meant - this is the Bollix forum, after all!

Here are a few smilies to make up for their absence in previous posts - just so everyone knows I don't take anything seriously in this part of the forum:

:well: :lol:lol: :drain: :D :banana: :dizzy: :drool: :cheers: ;p;
Just been told there are too many smilies in this post so had to delete a few!
jackeen's Missus said:
Nice to see you smiling again.

Life's too short to do anything else! :cool:
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