Poole Posse... this Sunday13.6.04

jackeen's Missus

Senior member
Mar 13, 2004
The Pit
Poole this Sunday

A decision was taken over refreshments on Sunday Evening (after RIBEX in the Fountain Hotel) to support Carly and Matt (the other one) in the Basic Race at Poole this weekend.
Martin And Anto (experienced Safetyboaters that they are) are keen and Daniel (DJL) from RIBNET and Pete 7 :up:
The Jackeens will go anywhere they're invited as usual, Suzuki & Troy may be there...& Brian Whiteshoes...
A Forum Giant may be around for a few jars so we can drag some stories out of him. Red Mist will be around as will Sizer.
Also Mark Wildey will be there.
Machew & Vicki might be down.
Anyone else around???
Can't decide whether to drive or boat down yet,
Depends on wevver forecast I guess.

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Does anyone know what time the racing finishes as I need to travel north of Ringwood and I don't like being out when its getting dark:aaahhh:


We are up for going to Poole to support Carly Baby, by boat would be good if the weather is fine.....otherwise the car is drier!

We will need to get back before it gets dark otherwise we get scaredy.:wotzhapni

Martin and Anto
Us witches not skared of the dark side...


Team Backdraft are expecting a posse so we'll try for boats if it's good wevver ...wagons roll if it's poor...

:up: :up:

We'll follow you SafetyBote Eggsperts,

Looking good


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morning all,race start is 12.00 and will last less than an hour,prize giving at the royal motor yacht club,panorama road,sandbanks, poole, 01202 707227 at 3.00, and the weather is looking good at the mo:banana:
ok this time for sure the RedMist Racing Team will be there!! as its not too far!!

rest of you guys can make a real trip from your calm solent pond and come round HH to see some proper seas!!
better stock the fuel barge for Matt!!

saying that the forecast looks good, fingers crossed...

I presume the race is on sunday with testing on saturday?
I though most boats launched from salterns??
If not are we able to get into RMYC to see the prize giving, there a bit snooty round there!!
testing sat from 2.00-4.00 and sunday race,boats to be crained at salterns the rest will use the slip at rmyc,as for snooty,yes they are,and i guess it will be luck of the draw,give them a ring and see what they say
will do cheers look forward to seeing you.... you'll recognise us we will be in our white and red uniforms!! we get a lot of strange comments but we just dont care!!!
Wheres the best spot to be to see the racing from shore, might take my nipper down to have a look and takes some photos?

Any other info on the event appreciated...

def bournemouth pier,there is a mark just south of the pier,so we will go close to it and the start run also goes past the pier,and i think there will be a commentary aswell
Cameras on charge...it will be nice to see Red Mist also.

Suzuki Pete & Troy are coming down too if he can sew his toobs back together.

Sizer do you want to come along in a boat...there should be room? TD do you want parking space on a RIB...see how the other half live? We could organise refreshments :D

Missus (oooops better go to work:aaahhh: ):D
Hmm, might bring the oil burner down for this. Anyone have a map of the course, don't want a rib straying across the path of an 80 mph pointy thing. If not where will the start line be ?

Paul can you post one of your map thingies of Poole bay on here for ppl to draw the course on ?

The starter solenoid bust last wkend so we are waiting for a new one from barrus!!
We have the main man Garry from Purbeck Marine on the case so hopefully we are back in the brine for sat am!!
this better !!

better get me a bucket :puker:


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Right then, thats the navigation sorted and I will bring me AA map as well just in case. More important thing is what are people doing for lunch ? race finishes 1pm ish, hoepfully the ribs won't have to tow anyone home, therefore dash to Town Quay to moor up for lunch ?


Navigation???No Problem!!!

Sounds good Terminator!!!

Now that you're going we'll follow you !!!!!

:up: :up:


(General Peter Seven nav. systems)

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