Power Lift

mike k

Senior member
Mar 15, 2004
Boat make
Can anyone tell me if fitting a powerlift with 6'' set back put's any extra strain on the transom ?
Depends the strengh of the transom at present. I dont know how strong they are on signatures, ask Gav!!! I have a Phantom with a CMC lift 5.5" setback and the transom seems fine I just use some big washers. Some people run stainless or ally transom plates as they look good and the extra strength isnt going to hurt is it. As for the bolts the 1/2" UNF stainless bolts should be strong enough at 6" setback. I think the breaking strain is about 70,000 lbs per bolt. Just check them regularly and if they seem to be loose but havent pulled into the transom then they're most probably stretching and you'll want to replace/upgrade them. Should be fine though.
I have a cmc powerlift too.im lookin into getting the "gorilla 2" jack plate its double the price (£1300)but it has 7 inch lift and only 4 1/4 inch set back much better design aswell



Why would you want 7" of lift?
mine can do 5 1/2" but i only use around 4" cus you dont need to drop the motor much more than 3" below and 1" above is plenty
they do a 5 inch model but the 7 inch is more expensive and why not have the better one even if your not goin to use it.how many people use the stop cord i know i dont i have 2 aswell 1 on the drivers side and one on the passengers(front) dont no why they have never been used.the main reason i getting this lift is after getting mental airborn behind the catermeran ferry by poole 1 of the bolts has worn out the thread inside the jack so it doesnt bite its only the inner stainless bolt holding it on.you have the same cmc as mine...be care full make sure you check the bolts on the inside regularly ,when they viberate loose then it will nakker the thread like mine.
just wondering,why is the top of your transom cut away?
TheMutzNuts said:
they do a 5 inch model but the 7 inch is more expensive and why not have the better one even if your not goin to use it.how many people use the stop cord i know i dont i have 2 aswell 1 on the drivers side and one on the passengers(front) dont no why they have never been used.the main reason i getting this lift is after getting mental airborn behind the catermeran ferry by poole 1 of the bolts has worn out the thread inside the jack so it doesnt bite its only the inner stainless bolt holding it on.you have the same cmc as mine...be care full make sure you check the bolts on the inside regularly ,when they viberate loose then it will nakker the thread like mine.
just wondering,why is the top of your transom cut away?

I always use the kill switch, every one should.! If you hit a wave and get thrown out then you loose your boat or even worse get thrown into the back and knocked out, the boat will carry on and no one will be able to rescue you! I know people who have crashed including Cyco and if he wasn't wearing the kill cord he would probably be dead now as he ended up knocked out trapped round the fuel tank.
Anyway enough of the lecture. my old lift stripped the thread i just drilled it out and tapped it putting a bigger bolt in. ( or you could helecoil it)
Transom was cut before i bought it lots of P20's have cut transoms depends on what motors have been fitted in the past, maybe a short shaft.
my old lift stripped the thread i just drilled it out and tapped it putting a bigger bolt in. ( or you could helecoil it)
i was goin to do that but id prefer a shiny new 1:lol:lol: also i think its a better design

do you no any one with a 280 2.5?
Mine did that too!!! I just fitted nuts on the end of the bolts. On the hydraulic lifters the side bolts arent done up tight any way as the lift has to be able to move up and down. They have nuts on the inside so you can tighten the bolts up just enough take out any play between the motor brackets and the transom brackets. Then you can tighten the nuts on the inside to lock the bolts in place.

Burty's right you should allways wear you stop cord it takes two seconds to put it on. You should also consdier that if you boat goes off on its own after you've been knocked/thrown out it may well hit someone else!!!

Just out of interest do you wear your seatbelt when you drive your car. Thats aimed at you too Burty :D
TheMutzNuts said:
i was goin to do that but id prefer a shiny new 1:lol:lol: also i think its a better design

do you no any one with a 280 2.5?

Bad Boy 717 on this forum has one

Johnny Boat Dude said:

Just out of interest do you wear your seatbelt when you drive your car. Thats aimed at you too Burty :D

Most of the time but only because if i don't it goes dong dong dong and gets right on my nerves;)
Bad Boy 717 on this forum has one
i ment do you no any one selling a 280
No kill cord

Even if you don't like wearing the kill cord think about the others in your boat when you go out.
It's ok if you get thrown out, but think about them stuck in the boat still going along at full chat.
Also worth considering they claim on your insurance your any injuries you have caused them.
That's if you got insurance:bang:

Do you wear a life jacket???

yea i do and we have them there not worn tho
The 7 inch isn't better than the 5 inch - just bigger and extra weight to carry around and to bounce on your transom - was talking to them at the show in Miami today and going to the factory tomorrow - they've put extra strengthening in the Gorilla 2 (you can thank me for that!) and it's a great bit of kit.
cooke could you get a price on them please, many thanks.
I'm just having a mk1 shipped and just the lifter without the pump is just over £400.00. The shipping is costing over£200.00 though. And thats without Mr Browns, gawd bless him, cut!!!