Red Mist Ranting

Jon Fuller

Mar 12, 2004
Cruising area
South Coast
Boat name
Boat make
Phantom 28
Re: Ta

Captain Chaos said:
So is the name Johnson then?:D

Na!, it's a long story, starting with an arabic commentator mis-pronouncing my name on a Dubai satalite tv prog,.....Johnson Fooler! I ask you:dizzy:
Mebbe that too!

But I'll show the video recorded from Arab sat channel some time.
arab commentry

now you got me laughin "flipper 21" style again!

BTW JF, I got to tennis 15 mins late and promptly lost to the "Iron Duke" 6-1,6-0,6-3!!!

I must have been on the dog to you for ages again!!! sorry....

I'm going to make myself some sort of electric timer that after about 4 mins automaticaly cuts me off and plays the following recorded message

"sorry, Lawrence has exceeded his daily limit on pointless rambling, please replace the handset"

that aout to do it;p;
I'll give you 23K (if it's as tidy as Maelstrom was

Andy sorry its not as tidy..
its not a lovely yellow colour
it hasnt got all those cheap parts
its not got loads of stress crack from 3 years racing
its not got the weak drive on it... i could go on..

but thks for the interest...

and the rest of you stop playing with your johnsons on my thread!!
Nasty! as you've had a sense of humour failure:

Admiral P. Brain said:
its not a lovely yellow colour


it hasnt got all those cheap parts

Actually it has, they're just re-badged as 'gucci' for the suckers (Autometer) :sick:

its not got loads of stress crack from 3 years racing

True, but it would have if it had ever been over 60mph

its not got the weak drive on it

You shouldn't tempt fait, plenty of 'X's' have failed on Yanmars too

It also didn't have a ridiculous, unsightly and impractial stainess steel dashboard!
Or, an engine compartment that looks like it hasn't been cleaned/serviced since 1976

ouch!! JF sorry, i just remembered you rigged it!!

was refering to plastic parts as opposed to stainless steel fittings we have on ours

true about dials but image costs...
but gaffrig racing throttles compared to plastic quicksilver??
liquid filled speedo compared to bouncy searay style??
mechanical indictors compared to electric?

done 62mph on gps few times but would say its a genuine 60mph boat...always hits 58 with 4 crew and full tank...
sure when its a 7 year old hull it will be as crazed as maelstrom, but its not and thats why it cost more...

drive yes dont we know it Maelstroms cost us 3k to fix!!
think you'll find bravo 3 X's failing on cruisers... but yes, shouldnt tempt fate...

stainless steel dash, used in Bentleys, its actually easy to clean.. depends on your style i suppose!!

dirty engine compartment?? dont think so... although we found one of TD half eaten pizza slices down there the other day...
Admiral P. Brain said:
think you'll find bravo 3 X's failing on cruisers...

Yes, they break also! but thanks for the Marine engineering lesson

stainless steel dash, used in Bentleys, its actually easy to clean.. depends on your style i suppose!!

Sure does

dirty engine compartment?? dont think so...

Oh, I best get some new glasses then
best let you cool down a bit hotshot...

I wasnt slagging off Maelstrom just justifying that its worth more than Andys offer....

maelstrom was a great boat for 23k that we paid and sold it for...
it gave us our first experince of powerboating and helped us in our design for the best (IMHO) extreme we asked Tony to build..
Admiral P. Brain said:
cool down a bit hotshot...

Your a Banker aren't you? ..(spelling??)
stick to Banking

Ordering a totaly standard boat/engine, then adding half a dozen re-badged, overpriced 'accessories' from Halfords doesn't make it a race boat, or any other type of 'class act', so I think the 'Boat Snobbery' is inappropriate.
JF u hitting that cheap rev limiter throttle back a little...

never said we had a raceboat!! its called customising your boat!

do they let you on with that attitude to spending money on shiny **** parts for boats ?

its a hobby for me not a day job
Your obsession with 'Vogue' is interesting, surely you're not confusing the 40', 2/3000hp monsters with speedmaster drives, racing steering, etc, that run in many cases 100+ with your sportsboat?

This thread is becoming ridiculous, and all because you appear to have had a sense of humour failure over andy's joke offering you, what you offered him!

as for not thinking you have a race boat, who's pretentious design was this then?


  • red mist.jpg
    red mist.jpg
    42.5 KB · Views: 337
nice design !! we were just having fun.....

I was joking with Andy a cheeky reply for a cheeky offer...
just pointing out the differences between the boats...
sorry you didnt see it that way...

Most boats in the states are not like that.... in fact most boats are between 23-28ft single engine and their owners spending a large porportion of their disposable income on tricking up their pride and joy... just like us...

If Gaffrig, teague marine, dana marine, eddie marine had showrooms in Soton, I'm sure you would find many more boaters buying these....
Nice graphics

ere admiral!

listen to the man i tell you!....if he's not correct about something, he puts up a bloody mean argument and always convinces me that italking ****!!!........just dont mention holley fuel pumps lol

Anyways.....I know they were made overseas, but whom designed those graphics?? i really like'm and i'm considering doing an outrageous copy!!!!
If you look at a cross section of OPB members, I think you'll find very few 23' Binliners with 'Bling Bling bits', it's mainly Hardcore.
But as I said, this thread is silly, in fact I think I'll split it, as it's not a very good 'for sale' thread any more.
thks john for the split

I was refering to 23-28ft perfomance boats that give their owners the fun of choosing trick bits for them...
donzi, baja, sunsation, pantera, sonic, dcb, cobra, dana, eliminator, howard, fountain, formula, powerquest....

and mostly older boats to make them more personal...

we are not arguing, just entertaining, all good fun..

Captain, the 'pretentious' graphics were from Canada, we spent about 4 weeks on the designs and we think they came out great...
website is
but maybe this is for 'race' boats only?? not sportsboats!!
Re: Nice graphics

Captain Chaos said:
ere admiral!
i really like'm and i'm considering doing an outrageous copy!!!!

Are ye gettin an NoS sticker 'f' ya Uno too? :D


but when me bro had it on his renault 5 (minus sticker) it was a feckin laugh!

in the process of pilthering the graphics as i type!:rolleyes:
would you like a high res version
Admiral P. Brain said:
JF u hitting that cheap rev limiter throttle back a little...

Cheap!, yes, I wish I had a half share in your racing boat!

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