Reliably Watertight hatch!


Senior member
Dec 2, 2004
Just North of Pompey
Cruising area
Boat name
The Nashers Revenge!
Boat make
Ocean 6.25
Suzi-wong 200HP EFI
Sorry, this is a question about a RIB, cut me some slack.

One of the things I need to do to ‘The Nashers Revenge’ when I get access to her again is to change the Bilge pump. An easy job that is turned into a horrible one by access.

The RIB has an enclosed transom with a well below deck level where the Bilge pump and in hull transducer live.

The rear seat severely restricts access:

The well can just be seen to the left of the transom knee in this image:

So getting to the bottom of the well is done with one arm only, at arms-length, in a very uncomfortable position from above through a small inspection hatch in the transom cover.
I've done it a few times over the years and it's not fun, especially trying to put a screw in etc when you can't see and have stuck the screw to the end of the screwdriver with grease or tape.
When the smaller Nashers were younger they could just about crawl in the covered space enough with a torch and see down the well to give instruction. But they are too big now.

This is a very old pic but it’s the only one I have. Ignore the since filled in cover panels on each side and the cable to the old transducer that was on the transom:

The small round inspection hatch is water-tight, which is great because the drain seen on the bottom right is below the water line when the boat is stationary.

What I want to do is replace the small inspection hatch with something bigger to improve access to the well.
But it needs to be watertight, or I’ll need to remember to put a bung in the drain each time I leave the boat stationary.
Even then waves sometimes come over the transom at rest.

Anyone had any luck with a reliably watertight hatch that’s of a Nasher spec in terms of cost. Ie low?
I was recently shocked by the £200 cost of a round 8" Bailey plastic hatch which would only be a small improvement.
Either round, square or Rectangular, it doesn’t matter, and bigger than the 6” one there at the moment.


Bailey are waterproof I have one covering my tank and I often don’t do it up properly but it’s forms a great seal. . Henderson’s are meant to be good. Although I’m not sure how much bigger they are, nor have I used &hem.
Thanks Glen76

The Bailey ones are supposed to be the best, but that comes at cost i'm just not prepared to pay for a hatch.

I've 'hatched'(Couldn't resist) a plan, and will post some images soon.


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