remember this cb1

K9 racing

Senior member
Nov 8, 2004
Cruising area
southampton water
Boat name
sea j marine
Boat make
12ft scorpio,14 fletcher,16 argo
25hp merc and 90 yam
hey chris do you remember this?:seaman:


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what happend chris?

was this when you hit something under the surface?
this wasnt at exmouth about three years ago was it?, first outing of the boat, first corner . . .
The big poof didn't even make it to the start chute.:drain:
:drain: :drain: :drain:
come on chris what happend?
The big poof didn't even make it to the start chute.:drain:

Jeez, I could make a fortune tekkin 'silence money' off some a yoo lot.
torquay 2003 i think...

it was'nt chris that was richard white.
Hey DD we did make the start chute and the green flag was down!! Dont know what happened really just getting up to speed, pis*** past Cookee, and she went left big style. Mark went out the long way but still managed to keep hold of his Britteling!! And I ended upside down in the boat with a life jacket on that wanted to keep me there!!
It was a struggle to get out. To this day both Mark and me will tell you this all took about 30 sec to happen, but if you ask anybody else they say it was over in a flash! When we finally got the boat out, after 4 hours upside down, cheers Mike S, there was damage to the nose cone of the G/B but who knows. We are now finally over it and cant wait for the new season.
Anybody who tells you that a incident like that dosent put the sh*** up them tells fibs. It took a good year tilll we wernt ready to jump out of the boat every time she done anything unexpected. I would'nt wish that type of thing to happen to my worse enemy and that includes Cookee!!!
Iwent over that day as well chris, not a good day it takes a long time to recover, but like you chris we are now over it and looking forward to this year in our new honda 225 and racing the rib as well hope to see you for a beer:cheers:
my dad went over down portland last year and it didnt really affect him he still went out the next day and got a second but hes ended up in the water three times now so he must have got used to it!!