restoring phantom 16


Senior member
Nov 2, 2004
the grim north
Cruising area
I,m currently restoring an old phantom 16 race deck .i have put a new transom and the longitudnal stringers .the old ones where some what teabag like ,but with more water. where iam i don,t know of any other 16s and have never seen one. can some body tell me how the floor goes ?. it looks as if it comes from the bottom/ side join out to the stringer and stops .has any body got any pictures .was set up in the racedeck similar to the standard deck. i,m going to mount the seats on alu angle attached to the long stringers but need to know how the rest goes before this.
You're right about the side floors.

Basically, the longitudinal stringers are the same height as the chine, the outer floor sits on the chine, and the stringer, forming a triangular section, this is called the 'chine box'.
Somewhere just fwd of the front seats, this floor angles down (cut to fit within the stringer and deadrise) and runs out to nothing after about 18 inches.

Another flat floor panel sits between the stringers forming the centre floor, this runs naturally into the forefoot.

Another piece of ply bridges the chine boxes transversly and created the base for the front seats.

Longitudinals would have been Douglas Fir (not ply wood)

Floor sections, I think would be 9mm marine ply, sealed, then laminated on both sides with 450 g CS matt for longevity/strength.

The ply bridge for mounting the front seats would be 12mm ply, also sealed/laminated before assy.

Sections would be set in place with adhesive (freefix, or Crestomer) then over laminated.

I'll see if I have any pics anywhere, if I haven't, I'll try to do a drawing to explain it more easily.
Jonny said:
...I'll try to do a drawing to explain it more easily.


If you're really bored, would you mind adding some info on the naming of different parts of a sportsboat.

I know what chine & stringer are, but what are forefoot & upstand (+ a few other bits you've mentioned over the months)
OK, will do.

a bit later on, i'll do a couple of drawings to show these two aspects, although 'upstand' isn't a particularly nautical term anyway.

Mebbe we need a 'bullshit buster' thread!
take a look at this pic i found for you. its not a 16 but is the same arrangment.


  • phantom 19xl 3.jpg
    phantom 19xl 3.jpg
    26.8 KB · Views: 461
That looks remarkably like an exel to me, is that your work Leeway?
That's similar to the layup Mike V used in our boats, prevents the floor from lifting when the shell flexes.
thanks for the info everybody. thats how it looks to go following what left of the grp. i post some pictures when i get it done
No that's a 19 in our workshop! Going to start 2 more next week!
Jonny said:
That looks remarkably like an exel to me, is that your work Leeway?

NO. not my work. i found the pic for him to see how the internal deck goes.
sinkunit0 said:
thanks for the info everybody. thats how it looks to go following what left of the grp. i post some pictures when i get it done

no probs hope picy helps. make sure you post some picys soon.
he does and i've been informed from the horse mouth that there is to be a couple of stock boats made...........i assume cookie is the laminater
That's Cookee to you Captain! And I never said I was the laminator - Kitten is the one who does all the great work - I just help / hinder a bit!
just thought the race deck vertion never had inner deck laid in....

they just had the longatudanals. the seats boted to the longatudanals.
it looks like it used to have a floor in either side to make the tri angle section , you can see where the glass was its been cut out. the was no trace if any wood in the centre this was straight t o the hull. i was speaking to a bloke who used to rig these for a company called UK watersports in newcastle. he says they used cut the entire floor out to make them lighter for racing. i will be putting this back in.

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