dont make a plug, make a mould from melomine board(18mm). though this method restricts the design of the product!
so......make up an inverted console out of melomine, use modelling plastercine or wax fillet to radius all your edges, one release wax then gelcoat the surface of your mould, once gone off, repeat gelcoat.
Lay up with 600g (2oz) mat, 3 layers of, roll out all air, leave to cure. Add any reinforcing at this point ie 9mm ply pads for steering boss, throttle box and any other points which you are lable to fix to. Its avisable to bed the ply on to a peice of 2mm coremat ( this eliminates the ply showing through from the outside as often happens after prolonged exposure to the sun!)then cover with a layer of mat.
Once you are satisfied with strength of console and has cured for 24hrs you can then dismantle the mould from around the moulding.
The next stage is to clean all the plastercine off and a couple of hours flatting down with wet or dry should get you somewhere near. after that you need a polishing mop, a tin of farecla g7 or g6 and g3. its ten upto you how much time and effort you put into the finishing.......
As i said this is ok if you are just making one! if you intend to make more, make a proper plug and mould. Makin a proper plug will certainly give you a lot more scope as to what shapes you can create.
Hope this is of use to you