RingCat 22


Senior member
Apr 5, 2004
Does anyone know what happened to the RingCat 22?

I've only ever seen one and that lives in Christchurch and I think it looks ace. Were they any good? Does anyone still make them?

TD has just sold the moulds for that boat, and has one unfinished boat at his hoos. they've gone to Belgium, mebbe Raffshore will copy em :D
22 cat

Are they sold jon?

thought he still owned em but they were going to production in Belgium as Tony is way too busy to mould them/ create enough hysteria over here to do em justice.

Which ever way, i'm sure he said they are availible to him at his usual "competetive" rates should a customer require one.

I wish the fecker would post some more pics! From what i've seen, its lush!
It's not for me to discuss tony's deals here in detail, but I think you'll find they're sold, yes.

But as you say, I'm also sure he could still supply them here if there were a demand.
JF - Do you know if Tony wants to sell the unfinished boat and what stage of build it's at?
Anyone got any ringcat pics (particlarly of the hull) and specs in their archives?
TD's boat is a new (moulded by Mike R) hull & deck, joined with rubrail. and some structures in place.

Just spoke to him, 8K would make you the owner.
johnson said:
It's not for me to discuss tony's deals here in detail, but I think you'll find they're sold, yes.

Sorry,:eek: I didnt mean to be overly open about Tonys business. I'm sure you are correct and that (once again) i'm talking tosh and have the wrong end of the stick completly!

I'd love to see some stuff on them...... The picture on the Extreme marines website is all too tantalising!

I've found that the best way to find out anything, is to speak to the person concerned directly......That way there is NO confusion.

TD has his number on the website (I think),
Extreme Cat 22

Matt said:
Why didn't you go fer the ringcat yerself captain?

coz I assumed that there would av been a "1" in front of the "8" thats bleedin why!!!!!!

Stupid stupid boy Philp!!!
It's probably lighter too!......:drool:......

..... I take that back, it was unnesasary :bang:
Well here we are agin, British industry '0', Boatmad.com '10' avvent you lot got any feckin work to do, I certainly avv
Johnson said:
It's probably lighter too!......:drool:......

..... I take that back, it was unnesasary :bang:

Thank you Jon.................your comments are become increasingly constructive....you ole fecker!!

would TD have finished it inside 2.5 weeks?

erm NO! he's way too busy!

I'm not bruised by this at all!:violin:
cheers JF!! :cheers:

Has anyone had any experience of how they perform?

i.e. in comparison to a ring 21 for example?
Similar top end to the Mono per hp, but a much more stable and softer ride

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