Round Britain sum up

Bloody well done to everyone :up:
Do you know if your bringing it on the PR or going back to the 28?
The wheel was fine, just required new bearings. all got sorted in Inverness.

We did 1400 miles in the boat and the trailer (the old Warlord trailer that is) did 2000 miles behind TD in the support truck.

Damn good RB attempt Jon ( plus good sportsmanship ) but I suspect the tyres on the Cinzano truck are looking a little worse than yours and TD's!
Just been looking at the amazing marine track system. looks like we should have had another penalty for cheating, as we apparently cut the corner off in some places! :no:

What a load of old shite.

Actually - the load of shyte was the reliance on the Marine Track system to penalise competitors. And dont get Tim started on relying on electronics to monitor competitors..........
... it was in the only rough water we had during this race that we did well, beating ALL the similar sized blow up boats, and some of the larger and faster with our silly narrow little 'speedboat'. How does that work??

By taking a short cut into the exclusion zone at Start Point..... :bolt:

Well done - excellent result. :up:
Well done mate, Warlord looked wicked on the way back into portsmouth, didn't look at all phased by the chop!
558 cinzano

I would just like to say that the crew and support crew of 558 Cinzano were fantastic. No one ever gave up and we were all very appreciative of the kind words at the prize giving by everyone we spoke with. Many thanks to all Claire and Eric Smillie and family.
What a mammoth event to organise and execute! Congrat's to all organisers, competitors and all those behind the scenes who put the whole show on. I can't begin to imagine the effort and dedication that went into it all.............thanks for helping keep the sport 'alive'!
Yes, Martin & Co went quite well for girlie ski racers. Of course, if the Yam 250 clip ons had steyr harmonic ballancers the story might have been different.

Martin was a bit quicker than us on flat water, but was very scared of waves. ( :) )

Have to say the RGB was a fantastic few days !
Very Very well organised ,real nice atmosphere through out !!!!
The tractor powered Phantom looked a picture ,was a pleasure to watch the final parts being fitted the day before the start .

Of course us Girlie Ski Racers had nothing to do as Martin of Power Products Marine had rigged the boat before we arrived in Portsmouth !!! As the scrutineers commented to an excellent standard ,and at each leg reiterating
"Still Excellent " :)

We had to get parts shipped out to us ,a total of 9 sponges and 15 sachets of soap !!! And at one time we could not find our bucket !!! :aaahhh:
The 28 ft Phantom coupled with the "CLIP ON,S " what we in the ski racing world call Yamaha 250 four stroke outboards proved to be a "Wash and Go " machine !

The race certainly opened the "Girlie Ski Racers Eyes " , having had the Whale and Dolphin briefing ,they then knew what to look for ,also slow enough to be able see the wild life around ! Not normal for "Girlie Ski Racers " to go that slow,or to not have to worry about the guy 200ft behind .

Well done to all that took part in all ways shapes and forms !
Was a pleasure to meet (or should I say beat ) you Mr Fuller ! :)
Still it was only 20 mins ,and you was in a differing class !
Keep the Phantom flag flying high ( I would rather a Cyclone )

P.S The European Ski Racing is being held in Ramsgate Kent from the 5th to the 12 th , bring ya best hand bag and watch the "Girlie Ski Racers " :laugh:
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Girlie ski racers

It's always hugely satisfying when a plan comes together and you get the desired reaction :)

Good to meet you ladies, hope to see you in Cowes for a rematch

It's always hugely satisfying when a plan comes together and you get the desired reaction :)

Good to meet you ladies, hope to see you in Cowes for a rematch


The gauntlet has been well and truely "Thrown Down" Girls :hugegrin:
Better up the power then and clip-on sum F350'S :aaahhh: :devilish:
Walk in the park, now off to Ramsgate for another week of fun.
My sum up of the RB race.
I guess when I got involved with the idea of a 2008 Round Britain Race, I didn't think it would happen, I felt that listening to people who had done the race in 1984, the finance to run such an event could never be raised.
They were soon proved right, sponsors were not coming to the table, "dark forces" were "briefing" against the project, and by the launch at the Earls Court Boat Show the RB Team were using more "Spin" than Alistair Campbell ever did for Tony Blair!
During this period there were "political" problems between Mike Lloyd and the RYA and on the run up to Christmas the whole project was looking "terminal" to the insiders who were helping to run the race.
The over riding factor however was the incredible potential competitor interest, some 73 plus had paid a deposit, and many were already were rigging their boats!
Using this inertia Lloyd would not take "no" for an answer, and by late January it looked liked more likely that the race would happen.
With Richard Salaman working on safety, Annie Beakhust writing race instructions and advising every competitor on paperwork and other requirements the race entered into a new phase.
Mike Lloyd and his wife Jules worked 18 hour days, Peter Miles was arranging sponsorships, Alan Goodwin was helping out on venues, if abate with a very ill wife, whilst Tim Powell procured some backing from Fiat Powertrain.
Come the competitors meeting at Drivers Wharf, it was clear that not only was the race going to happen, but it would include over 20% of foreign competitors.
The race was on!
June 21st 2008 saw just over 45 boats leave Portsmouth on their long trip round Britain.
June 30th saw 25 boats return to Portsmouth completing every leg asked of them.
It was a magnificent under funded achievement driven by a "strong minded" guy who had a dream, who sometimes brushed people up the wrong way, sometimes got it wrong, but by God when he wakes up in the morning - he has something to be very proud of.

P.S. The safety, scrutineers, time keepers and race control guys and girls were incredible - they worked and worked - a total credit to our sport.
P.S. The safety, scrutineers, time keepers and race control guys and girls were incredible - they worked and worked - a total credit to our sport.

Finally - you said something I can agree 100%.
Hi Jon and Nick,

Thank you for a fantastic race - enjoyed your summary of RB08. It was fantastic seeing the Phantom in the rough, and we have to admit we were slightly worried about your pace the first day. Keep in mind that we were in a 99% standard 29 ft RIB, and you guys were in a 32' race boat built to suit Round Britain. Crikey.

We are thrilled that we managed to take 1st in RB4, and would of course had even more pleasure if we could have raced you without you having engine trouble. I'm quite confident we still would manage to give you a good fight, though. Keep in mind that your boat is a good few feet longer, heavier and has twin engines (...and doesn't have tubes!), and apart from slowing down the last leg intentionally (you still only beat us by a mere 10 mins...) I am pleased with our own effort. As for top speed, we actually had problems on several of the flat legs with UK diesel not agreeing with the norwegian tuned Yanmars. Our top speed was rarely above 50 knots, so I guess that evened things out a bit.

Anyway, enjoyed meeting you and look forward to seeing the progress on your wonderful Phantom. Loved hearing your rant regarding "RIB people" in Newcastle (which was wonderfully emphasized by a competing RIB ramming into Swipewipes without even saying "oops - sorry" - priceless.) and have to admit agreeing slightly with you. It doesn't change the fact, though, that some RIBs are fantastic boats and I think the Goldfish 29 proved that.

Now, go buy some tubes and glue them on you Phanom - that'll secure you 1st place next time in RB!:hugegrin:

Best regards,

Rbr 08

Without doubt Mike and his team have ressurected true offshore racing in GB
Thanks to everyone involved from powerboat fans everywhere.
Hi Jon

Can you tell me which day the CTC is on is it Saturday or Sunday. Thanks Claire
ditto to all of that.

Will you and the team be coming over to compete in the famous Cowes-Torquay-Cowes race? We would dearly love to see you here.

Claire, I need to check but am pretty sure it's on the 23rd August.
I would like to thank marshalls Tom & Simon without who's hard work my job would have been a lot more difficult than it was,& not half as much fun ! My hat goes off to Mike Lloyd for sticking his head above the parapet & organising this event in the first place,lets hope that someone else is not put off taking on this event in the future,try & get those internal lifting eye's fitted for the next one Jon :hugegrin:

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