Yes, Martin & Co went quite well for girlie ski racers. Of course, if the Yam 250 clip ons had steyr harmonic ballancers the story might have been different.
Martin was a bit quicker than us on flat water, but was very scared of waves. (

Have to say the RGB was a fantastic few days !
Very Very well organised ,real nice atmosphere through out !!!!
The tractor powered Phantom looked a picture ,was a pleasure to watch the final parts being fitted the day before the start .
Of course us Girlie Ski Racers had nothing to do as Martin of Power Products Marine had rigged the boat before we arrived in Portsmouth !!! As the scrutineers commented to an excellent standard ,and at each leg reiterating
"Still Excellent "
We had to get parts shipped out to us ,a total of 9 sponges and 15 sachets of soap !!! And at one time we could not find our bucket !!!
The 28 ft Phantom coupled with the "CLIP ON,S " what we in the ski racing world call Yamaha 250 four stroke outboards proved to be a "Wash and Go " machine !
The race certainly opened the "Girlie Ski Racers Eyes " , having had the Whale and Dolphin briefing ,they then knew what to look for ,also slow enough to be able see the wild life around ! Not normal for "Girlie Ski Racers " to go that slow,or to not have to worry about the guy 200ft behind .
Well done to all that took part in all ways shapes and forms !
Was a pleasure to meet (or should I say beat ) you Mr Fuller !
Still it was only 20 mins ,and you was in a differing class !
Keep the Phantom flag flying high ( I would rather a Cyclone )
P.S The European Ski Racing is being held in Ramsgate Kent from the 5th to the 12 th , bring ya best hand bag and watch the "Girlie Ski Racers "