At a point 109 miles from the finish, I 'dabbed' the port tab switch to level her up and the port engine faltered - EEEEK! What was that? Another test, and it was confirmed, we appeared to have charging failure on the port motor. An already heavily discharged battery meant that any extra current draw pulled the battery volts below the 'critical' for the engine ECU's and fuel pump to do their thing, hence the dip in oooomph. So the last 109 miles were done with only the occasional very short stab at the trim switches which gave a terrifying hessitation from the port lump. We really weren't sure if it would make the 100 miles on what remained in the battery and discussed our options of ripping out some of the bilge pump wiring to link the charging circuits (one of the jobs that never got done in the mad panic rig, was the battery crossover link cables & switch), luckily though, it continued to tick all the way to the line. We tried to restart the motor back in Gunwharf Quays, and it was a flat as a pancake.
Jon Fuller