Safety Stuff

Rogue Wave

Senior member
Mar 12, 2004
Cruising area
Boat name
Dyna Mo Humm
Boat make
Avon Searider 8.4mmmm
Cat 4216 450hp
what's the bare mimimum safety stuff you would put on your boat.
Matt said:
24 cans of beer, 4 bottles of wine, 2 x-large packs of doritos and dip and some bog roll.

Don't forget the Bermuda shorts, hawaiian shirt, and Ray Ban's!

Oi Stu, this aint FIBnet!
A good solid table and some rope to tie round yer ankles?:bolt:
S.Martarse said:
A good solid table and some rope to tie round yer ankles?:bolt:

If you've got a missus, I suspect she'd kill you for saying that!
Just in case you were deadly serious Waver!!! Zebedee is a tiddler and open to the sun moon & stars...

So bare minimum for a scoot would be...Boat Key...kill cord/spare..
Fuel....Radio...ropes...fenders....chart/ extinguisher...nav lights (tied on :D )...foghorn/torch...& suitable gear...toolbox...anchor..oil if it's a 2 stroke

Also handy mobile phone, credit card!!!water, chocolate, spare clothes, drybags.

Mr. & Mrs. N have a comprehensive list of stuff on their Blue Ice website...I'll try to find the link...

Well done!!!! I was mainly thinking of stuff for the boat and Waver doesn't have a lot of feeling left in his limbs so even if something fell off his person I doubt he'd even notice...

Missus :)

In that case add to the list

One first aid kit for Waver containing

Walter Trout CDs
CD Player with new batteries
Large bottle of Cider
Binder twine for his trews
I know the answer to this one,

Ray Bans, shorts , Tee Shirt and factor 15 if you have a real boat, But if you have a RIB I would reccommend no less than:

RYA Basic Sea Survival Course
Overseas Helmsman Certificate
Offshore Certificate of Incompetance
3 weeks tuition with Paul Glatzel
Radar refector
Big Torch
Little Torch incase the big one stops working
Even Bigger Knife
Fecking Big Knife
Plasters, those knives are very sharp!!!!
Sea sickness tablets
Life jackets + 10 spare just incase
Life Raft
Anchor and 1000 metres of chain, 4000 metres of rope
Fixed VHF
Portable VHF
VHF Licence. (can be omitted if you have the fecking big knife)
Kendal Mint Cake
Supplies of Fresh Water
Yellow Wellies
Green Wellies for Wavenobber!
Spare GPS
Spare Plotter
Depth Sounder
Long rope with weight on end incase of depth sounder failure
Fuel Flow meter
Change of Clothing
More Chocolate
Even More Chocolate in case of women on board
Charts, loads & loads of Charts
5 hp outboard
Parts Washer
Hydraulic Press
Stab Jacket
Snorkel (might get rope round prop so you ought to have knife as well)
Spare Prop
Workshop Manual
Mobile Phone

That'is probably the minimum that you should have onboard, unless you are considering leaving Southampton Water and venturing into the Solent.
The only thing I need is a big boot to get the missus off the driving seat

:bolt: :aaahhh:
Oy TD you forgot to mention that ribsters should carry a towrope for when they see a broken down red boat

by the way I am sure you don't need to carry any knife as your tounge is sharp enuff to cut through most substances, oh dear , now if only your wit was as keen

:drain: :drain: :drain:
An innocent question; but what size weight belt will TD need to go with the diving aqua lung ?

rowg waiv said:
what's the bare mimimum safety stuff you would put on your boat.

A laptop with an internet connection!!! That way if you get yourself into trouble you can ask the advice of all the nice helpfull people on the Boatmad forum!!! :D
oooooooh, a radio controlled helecopter would be handy cause you could fly a little note back to shore asking for help!!! :)
Johnny Boat Dude said:
oooooooh, a radio controlled helecopter would be handy cause you could fly a little note back to shore asking for help!!! :)

but helecopters are really difficult to fly why not a radio controlled boat????
Johnny Boat Dude said:
erm, cause the note would get wet :)
surely not if it was a model of a hardboat
