seadoo jetboats


Junior Member
Sep 14, 2004
Soon to be cornwall
Cruising area
Boat make
2005 Seadoo on order
Supercharged Rotax
so what does 2 x325 gmc's go like - sounds a little lively
Have a look athere . :aaahhh: :D

Edit: Hmmm. Link doesn't seem to work. Look at 'A Little Montage' in 'Powerboat Gallery'.

EDIT by Johnson Fooller: try this one vid (25 meg)
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Link don't work!
Tried to fix it but ran out of editing time. Here it is! :)
As the forum is no longer populated by nutters, i've just increased the editing allowance to one hour!
another leisurely punt through the solent then,

mrs nobber wouldnt happen to be the mild mannered loiuse from ribnet would it?
What makes you think that, Thumper? :D

And what is you RIBnet alias?
dont have one - just have a few friends scattered across various forums - i quof a few beers with brambles on a weekly basis and i share an offiec with ashley d who owns scooby-doo - glad that im not the only one using work time to surf forums
Not guilty, m'lud. If you have a look at my RIBnet profile you'll see my occupation is 'Lady of Leisure'. :D

P.S. Scooby Doo is a beautiful boat. Have you been on her?
never been on scooby doo - i have heard a lot of stories - i have just supplied her another tender 6ft & 0hp but shes a looker!!!!
Thumper said:
yeh right

thats not what brambles says

hee hee

Oi, Thumper - what you talking about???

Also, why don't you start a few more threads about the jet boat? You have only got three going at the moment :laugh:
hello m8

cant work out wot went rong there ne mind

bell tonite?