Ski Skool


Senior member
Jun 30, 2004
Cruising area
Kings Road
Came across some old pics today,

Ski Skool circa 1991. . . . . . .


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The Ace

And the Man himself . . . . . .


  • jon 0021.jpg
    jon 0021.jpg
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what is the boat you're all on in the first pic, is it a revenger? (burdens)
The boat we are on is indeed john Burdens Revenger 24, the boat in front is "Hand relief" before it started its racing career and the boat at the back is a Crusader 16.
I nearly bought that Revenger 25 SC!

But on close inspection it had some gelcoat issues on the interface between colours (between the white/grey/yellow)

Always quite liked the old SC's though.


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Nick Kirby ending up buying it, and then a couple of years later added one of our Honda race boats to his collection!
you love that pic fuller.........................i think one referred to himself as a "racing snake"

puney nobba morelike!
I 'spose that flame hair is due to the sunlight refracting amoungst your beautifull blonde locks!
That crusader was a nightmare,

If i remember rightly it had a 115hp blueband mercury on the back and chine-walked like Fred Astaire danced!

The revenger 25 Sc was a very nice boat, the styling might not have been to everyones taste but it was a very capable weekender. We had a lot of fun on that boat.
I always thought they were a good looking boat as cruisers go, especially when you think they came out about 25 years ago (much like TD)
R-Don said:
and chine-walked like Fred Astaire danced!

When I am running flat out, on dead calm water, with the engine trimmed out (up) as far as poss for top speed, eventually I will hit a ripple (literally), one side of the boat will touch, then the other, with increasing frequency so that the boat is rocking madly. I have to back off the throttle or it feels like the boat will flip.

Is this 'Chine-walking'?
i hate it,you could always take mike rings advice to me once ,and drive through it:bang:
Yeh some know-all gave me that advice once & about 20 minutes later my previous fletchers windscreen was flat to the waters surface and i had a warm smelly deposit in my cheap wetsuit!
carly baby said:
and drive through it

You know; I read stuff on here sometimes & I feel like I must just have such tiny, tiny gonads.

I get scared; my arm shuts the throttle.
Captain Chaos said:
windscreen was flat to the waters surface

Are you saying you actually turned it over?
no just very nearly 90 degrees onto its side......i.e the rubrail got very very did my Y-fronts

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