Here's a tip I stole from the other side. It was to do with golf, but it works for any game that involves hitting. You have to give the object you are going to hit a name. This, apparently, enables you to hit it really hard! Worked for me!
Here's the advice, 'from the horse's mouth' as it were (no offence intended - I am not likening the author to a horse, merely using a well-known English idiom):
"Big Bertha = reference to how to relieve stress at the driving range ...take a bunch of clubs, and a basket of golfballs. Now name each golfball. Or perhaps each one could just have one name... up to you. Next whack the golfballs (technical term but you don't have to be a golfer to do this. Believe me ) Try not to hit actual people at the driving range however.
For people who have been a big pain in your life take a big club."