As to the weather which are definately one of the most unstable thing in our daily life and one of the most uncertain things we have to live with, even our marriege are more certain and reliable thing, at least it is something we are more likely to rectify if something goes wrong. Well as March is almost passing by and the sunshine is just around the corner with more stable weather and boats will shortly been taken out from their winter storage and put in water for full enjoyement of their owners and family/friends. I went to my marina club house tonight speaking to friends and told them I went ribbing over the weekend and guys I must tell you that I got the feeling I must be getting nuts and crazy (which probably is right) and should probably be best kept in mental hospital as it is still winter and I should be like the bears sleeping in the cave still. WHAT CAN I SAY WE PEOPLE UP NORTH ARE STILL FREEZING AND WE JUST WANT TO HAVE CHAT IN OUR CLUBHOUSE (whole year round) AND SO SHOULD I DO AT LEAST UNTIL SUMMER OFFICIALLY ARRIVES (whenever that is) !!!!!