Steve Wins

Thanks OOD.
Interesting that 'Highlander' wasn't racing for points! Presumably they just do it for the kicks? Or is there another reason?
All very interesting OOD, but the UKOBA site seems to be in danger of becoming the official site of the Steve Curtis fan club.

The only driver profile you currently have on it is himself, why is this. It can't be through lack of information, as they have the details on at least 30 Honda drivers, plus navigators.

I'd hoped that the ressurection of a once great club might have set the standards for the future, but having looked at the list of officials, it has all the signs of the same old passengers on the "gravy train", with the addition of a few new ones. (Hope they enjoyed their trip to the Keys)

Surely with all the critcism on this forum of the RYA etc, it's time to get things sorted and learn from the mistakes of the past, but then we've heard this all before haven't we?
Thank you for your response. It is easy to stand on the side line and make comment or even critcism.
Yes we are showing the Profile Of Steve (our 5 times world champion) for your information and others we are waiting for pofiles of other teams.
Your comments about the club,Yes it is a great club and will continue to be one and it is thanks to The old passengers that keep this club going, who give there time and effort free to keep our club great so you can make critcism!!!

If you feel that strongly we have a AGM on the 28/1/05 at Poltons Golf Club at 7.00.Why dont you come to the meeting and commit sum time and put your self up for committee.

If you would like to call me to discuss how the committee works or even propose you I can be contacted on 07831 627000

I think my last comment would be put up or shut up
Well i must say that Slacko has made a very good observation and i agree with his comments.

Steve Curtis might be the best powerboat racer Englands ever had, but hes so far removed from the ordinary members of this Forum that its not easy to relate to him. Besides he has all the Charisma of a lightbulb.

And as for put up or shut up, Id like to put em up.:D

So it's 3.00pm at the Boneyard tomorrow, OK? :drain:
Slacko said:
I'd hoped that the ressurection of a once great club might have set the standards for the future, but having looked at the list of officials, it has all the signs of the same old passengers on the "gravy train", with the addition of a few new ones. (Hope they enjoyed their trip to the Keys)

Surely with all the critcism on this forum of the RYA etc, it's time to get things sorted and learn from the mistakes of the past, but then we've heard this all before haven't we? [/B]

I am at an absolute loss to understand from whence you derive your "Gravy Train" reference.

Perhaps you have inside information that I as a member of UKOBA's Council of Management for the last 8 years have somehow missed. I seem to recall going to many meetings (at my expense), attending race venues to assist (at my expense), providing safety cover (at my expense), plotting race courses late into the night (double, triple and quadruple checking that my co-ordinates were correct lest we send boats off to China), hundreds if not thousands of phone calls (at my expense) - well, I hope you get the idea.

No-one on the Council of Management, the Flag Officers, Presidents or Vice-Presidents makes a penny out of their affiliation with UKOBA. You might be surprised that when times were particularly bad in the past that hands dug very deeply into pockets - pockets belonging to those around the table to assure the survival of the club. The former head of the Cowes Organising Committee was particularly generous.

I don't care to comment about the references to Steve Curtis as it seems you have a general dislike for him and his products as you have insinuated in previous posts. Sorry, I imagine that could be construed as a comment, please disregard the previous sentence.

Constructive criticism is always welcome and necessary but superfluous sniping serves no legitimate purpose. Please, if you have some ideas as to how to improve the sport share them with the rest of us but artless insults and scattergun type critiques are less than helpful.

My position as a UKOBA board member will become vacant in the New Year as my family and I will be departing your fair shores. My seat will be open and I invite you to take my place. You will be a director of the company when you become a member of the Council of Management and hopefully will fully realise all the legal implications in that role. If something goes terribly wrong despite all the insurance that's in place, you just might end up in front of a high court judge but I'm sure you would be willing to do that. You obviously have some very good (but as yet unpublished) ideas of the way forward for our sport. All anxiously await our salvation and for the day that UKOBA will be the organisation of which YOU would be proud.

Please inform me at your earliest possible convenience of the departure (or arrival) of the next 'Gravy Train'. I've missed it for years and don't want to repeat my mistake.


FYI Rory and Debs were the guests of the APBA and invited to the Key West by Bob Bull (APBA Offshore Chairman). The APBA paid for their visit. UKOBA didn't pay a penny. Might have picked up some prestige though.
OOD said:
Thank you for your response. It is easy to stand on the side line and make comment or even critcism.
Yes we are showing the Profile Of Steve (our 5 times world champion) for your information and others we are waiting for pofiles of other teams.
Your comments about the club,Yes it is a great club and will continue to be one and it is thanks to The old passengers that keep this club going, who give there time and effort free to keep our club great so you can make critcism!!!

If you feel that strongly we have a AGM on the 28/1/05 at Poltons Golf Club at 7.00.Why dont you come to the meeting and commit sum time and put your self up for committee.

If you would like to call me to discuss how the committee works or even propose you I can be contacted on 07831 627000

I think my last comment would be put up or shut up

I suppose I better start off by apologising for some of my comments if they have caused offence, opinions are like a holes, we all have one.

I especially would like to apologise to Ned, who I believe has been an asset to the sport with both his enthusiasm and efforts, but I still stand by my remarks, although I agree that I perhaps didn't put them accross too well.

Tony, no one could doubt Steves ability or achievments, although being world champion in the current class 1 season isn't that great when there's only 4 or 5 boats in contention, and if we're counting world championships then perhaps you should profile Neil Holmes, I believe 7 at the last count....As for waiting for the drivers to submit profiles, why not have a look at the Honda Racing web site, it's full of info, but then the Curtis clan would know that wouldn't they, being that they run the blessed thing, but why haven't they used it.

As for your last remark, it's only to be expected, although I can assure you that I also have done my time, as committee member, sponsor, competitor, scapegoat and spectator.
Slacko said:
I also have done my time, as committee member, sponsor, competitor, scapegoat and spectator.

Thanks for your kind remarks about my involvement with our sport, they are much appreciated.

Regarding the quote above, it seems that we probably know each other (or at least know of each other).
Just for interests sake it would interest me to know who you guys are (Ned and Slacko) - obviously some people will have guessed correctly already from the information you have imparted.

The reason I ask is that I have invested very heavily personally in the sport and our future is being pushed in the direction of UKOBA and it would be nice to know who is / was at the helm, and who is making the suggestions for improvement for the future.
Ned = Ben Mazur
Thanks. Pretty ain't I.


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Oh yes - we met at Cowes - you were trying to sort out Mr Noisy along with some other reprobates from here!
FYI Steve Curtis does things for others too, he's doing the presentations to the KClass (Kids Offshore) teams at the Wanda Offshore Klubb awards on Friday 26th Nov in Poole.

Watch out you know have 50 kids looking up to him and wanting to be there too!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH...

PS will check out the charisma
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Matt said:
I think Alan and Tony are also members here too, but protecting their anonymity for now.

Not any more then :bang: :lol:lol:
R-Don said:
Besides he has all the Charisma of a lightbulb.

Would that be a 40 or 60 watt?

To answer your earlier comments Ben, I believe the true gravy train left the platform long before you really got involved.

If you go back to the heady days of Peter Stuyvesant and the Princes Trust (80s) huge amounts of money were being paid into the club. To a lesser degree, the early to mid 90's were pretty good as well, The club accounts would certainly have made good reading in those times. Does any one remember the rather large cruiser that the club had the use of, supposedly for press and sponsors.

Now where did all that money go, not for me to say, and then theres the foray into property ownership.

I don't doubt the well meaning of the current band of committee members, but we all march to our own tune.

Out of interest, how often would the likes of Tim, Alex, Viv, Terry and their merry men being seen outside of Cowes. Don't remember seeing their smiling faces at a wet and windy Newhaven.

And what's all this about, looks like the club and its trophies have been hijacked by the Curtis Clan for their own use. Since when did a Honda boat go "offshore"?????????

The 2004 Awards Dinner

Friday 7th January 2005

1 Bank End, Southwark, London SE1 9BU

The ceremony will be held on Friday 7 January 2005, with champagne reception at 19.00hrs, followed by awards, 4 course dinner, musical entertainment and dancing.
Carriages will be at 01.00hrs; dress code is black tie.

UKOBA will be presenting a number of the club’s historic trophies, to honour their successful racing members and valued club supporters

Tickets are priced at £100 (including VAT) per person
How about some of those old Photo's you must have for the UKOBA web site