Suzi 200


Senior member
Dec 2, 2004
Just North of Pompey
Cruising area
Boat name
The Nashers Revenge!
Boat make
Ocean 6.25
Suzi-wong 200HP EFI
Hello all.

Your views please on buying a 1996 Suzuki 200HP EFI in good condition.

Looking to replace my Johnson 150 VRO, and am assuming the Suzi will be more economic to run, and so increase my range. although I know no where near an Opti or e-tec/ficht.

Haven't viewed it yet, so is there anthing I should look for? or worry about?
I've heard some had twin plug heads, is that right?

Am also struggling to find any good info on the net.


My view is totally biased. But a few years ago i had a 200efi Suzi....think it was a 96 engine. It lasted about 350 yds before it died!

When it got stripped.......there was a problem with the crank or casing (cant remember). I was told that had it been a merc, it could have been repaired very easily. As it was, i had to junk it!

Also, from what i hear; suzukis are actually quite thirsty. They are also comparativly heavy.
Thanks captain.

I'm suddenly not so keen.

Anybody agree or disagree?

Have a Suzuki V4 100HP on a Phantom 16 for nearly 5 years had no problems what so ever. It gets absolutley thrashed for 7 weeks non-stop in the summer then sits outside all winter. The only thing we had to replace where the metal fuel tanks which split after a five years rust and a lot of wave jumping :D
Sorry.....................Maybe i should add this. I'm led to beleive that they are technically quite a good engine (after all they invented oil injection?). Its just the back-up on them thats an issue.

Silversurfer............i trust you know upminster marine? The fella there reckons that those "little" suzuki V4's were out of this world!

Thanks for the comments so far, I’ve always liked Suzukis but my experience has been with 80’s and early 90’s carb engines between 30 and 55HP. They were always reliable and the only troubles came after dealers had been let loose on them.

My main interest in the 200 EFI is how efficient it’s going to be. I know it won’t be anywhere near as good as a new generation 2-stroke like an E-Tec, but I’m hoping it would be better than my old 1989 Johnson 150VRO.
If nothing else it will spend less time at WOT.

Somebody has told me that early Suzukis are thirsty, but they did not clarify if that was the early EFI’s or the Carb motors.

I dont know Upminister Marine do they do big Mercs? i.e. Service? Everyone has bad engines. We brought the Sucuki from Reddish Marine in Devon its was New Old stock so got a good price. Reddish have always looked after us since I was about 12 years old! I cant comment on having one repaired because like I said it hasnt gone wrong!

The eninges we had most trouble with where 40 & 50 HP Mercurys had a couple of repairs on A Mariner 75HP as well. But nothing serious on the Mariner.

I guess we have just been well lucky with Engines my XR2 (touch wood starts) 1st evry time too . . . So far . . .
Nasher, Don't want to rain on your parade but big suzy 2 strokes are notoriously thirsty beasts I hear. Can it be more thirsty than your GT150? Well I know its hard to believe but I think you will find that your consumption doesn't improve and may actually get worse as a bigger engine and more temptation to push the loud stick forward!

You need a nice Opti, e-tec or HPDI! I bought a 150 Opti from John Harvey at TL Harvey in the West Mids. He did a very good deal including installation.

Nasher said:
Thanks captain.

I'm suddenly not so keen.

Anybody agree or disagree?


Nasher, I followed my VRO 150GT with a Suzi 200DT. A truly excellent motor with oodles of mid range power. No choke or throttle needed to start it winter or summer, just turned the key and it ran. It did about 1mile/litre on a 6.5 rib. Had it 5 years with no trouble. It didn't even need a water pump impeller. In the mid range it made my 200 Merc feel like a toy. Also, it was quality made with all stainless fittings and good sealed connectors, no cheap brass nuts and silly rubber covers like the Merc. No sign of corrosion except the paint came away from the area in the V between the cylinders behind the plastic box which holds the electrics. I don't know whether this might be a problem on an older engine if it's been left unchecked. Since I never needed anything for it, I can't comment on parts cost or supply.

The ones with twin plug heads are the 225DT. I've heard they are thirstier. There again, I heard lots of things...

As always, with a second hand motor, take care.

Buying new is a good experience and you know what you've got.
I think if the engine is in the excellent condition it’s described then I’ll go for it.

I cannot afford a new engine at this stage, and I’m justifying it on the following terms.

The 150VRO is only giving me a maximum of 35Knots despite playing with props etc and the 200 should give me a better turn of speed when required.

I tend to run around with the 150 Wide open all the time, whereas I’ll hopefully be able to throttle back a bit with the 200 and still cruise at the same speed. Which should give better consumption.

I can afford this engine now, and put petrol in it rather than put up with the Johnson for another two years whilst I save up for a new engine. In the mean time I’d be constantly balancing off saving up and putting petrol in the old engine.

I can put a lot of petrol in the new engine for the price difference between it and a new engine.

The old Johnson is becoming unreliable and throwing up odd faults. I constantly have a fear in the back of my mind that I’m going to be stuck out at sea with my two kids on board when it finally gives out.

I bet you just end up going faster. :D

Nasher said:
I tend to run around with the 150 Wide open all the time, whereas I’ll hopefully be able to throttle back a bit with the 200 and still cruise at the same speed. Which should give better consumption.
Just fit another Fuel tank you can go further for longer AND FASTER then.

If you are worried about cost buy a sailing boat!

I know where you can get a good condition Johnson 150VRO at a good price!!

Nasher said:

The 150VRO is only giving me a maximum of 35Knots despite playing with props etc and the 200 should give me a better turn of speed when required.

My Suzi gave me 53mph flat out and cruise about 40-44mph at 4000rpm. My VRO gave me 47 flat out.

I tend to run around with the 150 Wide open all the time.
:eek: No wonder it uses a lot of fuel!
Look guys.

I know and you know I'll only end up going faster, and using the same amount of petrol, but I've spent the last few months persuading her indoors that buying a bigger engine will save fuel.

Just like I argued the case that a New 3.2TD Shogun would be so much more economic to run than my old 2.8TD Shogun, and thats prooved right, so I'm taking advantage. (actually even I can't believe how much less fuel I'm using)

All I need to do now is persuade her I need a big bore kit for the motorbike and I'll be happy. Well sort of, for a few months.

Its me again.

Seeing as this Suzi is a Ultra Long shaft and my boats built for a Long shaft I'm looking at either building up the transom, or fitting a manual Jack Plate with at least 4 inches of movement.
Anyone know where I can find one?

Cheap of course, as usual. And it'll give me something else to play with.
